can cords from the mandala manager be cut by entities or others?
No. They can affect your aura by not severing MMv2.
Hello, I want to use Mandalas Manager (Print Version).
The process is to put mandalas manager on top of the other mandalas, look at it and say ACTIVATE (activate in my language) ok?.
How long does it take to program the mandalas? 5 minutes? 10 minutes?.
After looking at mandalas manager and looking at it, how long does it take to finish programming the mandalas?
Is it the same time if I program 5 mandalas or 20 mandalas?
If I want to ADD or REMOVE mandalas, what is the process?
Remove/Add mandalas, look at mandalas manager and say ACTIVATE?.
In each UPDATE is it necessary to say ACTIVATE to update the mandalas manager?
Iâm confusedâŚ
Thank you.
Itâs instant. You can wait a minute no need to wait longer.
Say command to the Manager. Even printed version doesnât need to be carried, so you can focus on Manager and think/say name of the field to be removed.
You only say ACTIVATED once. It is the moment when you make connection with the Mandalas Manager. No need to activated over and over again because connection is made.
I prefer to have the mandalas manager PHYSICALLY with me. Print and carry.
I donât feel the mandalas when I have it on my smartphone. I want to see if it is better to print.
What is the process of adding/removing mandalas?
To update it:
If I want to add OR REMOVE a mandala. Stack the 3 mandalas and add the new mandala. Stack the 4 mandalas and top mandalas manager.
The mandalas manager looks at it for a minute and ok?
And to remove a mandala is it the same process?
I want mandalas manager printed version.
Thank you.
To add, you put the Manager on top of the mandalas you want to add. To remove, you say command with the field name you want to remove.
Itâs instant. Itâs like with the digital version.
If I have 3 mandalas programmed in mandalas manager, okay?
I want to add TWO mandalas, do I just have to put the mandalas manager ON TOP THE TWO mandalas I want to add? itâs right?.
And donât put the mandalas manager on top of the 5 mandalas, right?
And to remove I donât need to have the mandala printed, just tell Mandalas manager REMOVE X mandalas ok?
Thank you.
You added them before, no need to repeat. Just add the new ones
To re-activate the trio after moving the entire folder (with audios/mandalas and the trio) to another device, can I simply open and re-activate the trio in the folder, without going through the process of creating a (new) folder, activating the trio, and then copying and pasting the audios/mandalas?
My thought is that I only need to re-active the trio, regardless of whether there are already audios/mandalas in the folder, correct?
You can copy everything to a different destination and reactivate the trio after that. It can be copied together.
How do I give control to my higherself for activating mandala and giving commands to mandala manager as she thinks I need. I also have connection to higher self, field optimizer and higher purpose mandala in my folder. Any suggestions pls. Thank you
The Optimizer gives control to your HS, you donât need to do it anything.
If I undergo cording cutting (to cut cords to people, places, objectsâŚ) across all timelines and galaxies, do I need to re-activate the trio (MMv2, field emitter, field optimizer)? In other words, would cord-cutting sever the connection between me and the trio? Thanks!!
No. Cords cutting removes ties that donât serve you. Mandalas are designed to help you have the best life, so this connection would be destroyed only with your conscious choice by deleting folder or commanding to the field.
Thanks! One more question: how to tell if High Self is corrupted or even worse, an imposter HS? Will Higher Self heal and grow with us?
Thanks for your input!
When you feel like your HS is bad, wrong, evil then you are disconnected from it, from the Creator/Source or this connection is poisoned by dark beings that makes you think this way. The thing is, what we humans think sometimes doesnât add up in the spiritual perspective.
Your HS learn with you, yes. Itâs simply you in different dimensions that have no density so to speak (physical body), no perception of time and access to information that you-human donât have.
So I have been trying something new with this mandala since Patreon is discontinued. I converted it to a video and put it on a playlist along with the emitter also converted. Note this is like the mandala but converted to video. Put it on private so no worries @Maitreya and @Polaris . Anyways it seems to work.
My dad has a keypad phone with Micro SD card in it and my Mom has a smartphone. If i make two folders (one for mom and one for dad) and i myself put those folders in their phones, that wonât be any problem right? Once i do that, ill explain everything to them on what fields are there. (manager+emitter+optimizer included.)
Once done, ill tell them to open the manager v2 mandala in their respective phones and theyâll look at the mandala a bit and then say activate. And the connection will be done. Am i correct?
I honestly donât want to share the control commands with them, cause if thereâs a family fight, they might get negative and think negatively like: i wish this thing just stops working, i donât want any good health.
lol, this happens in my family, but just sometimes. I just want the optimizer to do the work for them so that they donât manifest self negativity using those commands.
You can create folders on your laptop or phone and ask them to activate their respective Managers. I keep all my family, not tech-savvy, on my laptop. Iâm a folder keeper, so to speak.
Excuse me, my computer (where I have my folders) ran out of battery for a few hours. Do I need to reactivate the mandalas or are the commands I gave to the managers still working?