
Same situation also i didn’t feel bad effects from sapien.

I think most of what is said here is about personal experience, most people are different and their energies are not compatible with everyone. I’ve seen a lot of people in discord groups who don’t get results from maitreya or don’t like her energy, this doesn’t mean that maitreya is bad.

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You are right, that everyone will have different results or is prone to one or another creator based on their karma and specifics, their soul purpose, higher self goals, etc.

I will just comment on one thing-not liking Maitreya’s energy. Maitreya does not use her energy to create fields. She uses Pure Divine energy. If someone does not like that, they do have a problem as it means they are on the dark side and the purest form of love and light does not agree with them. People indeed have free will to be on ether side of power, but just to clarify why some may not like Maitreya fields.


Not being compatible with someone’s energy isn’t exactly the same as directly being harmed by a field because its creation involved energy input by other entities. And no one’s saying that not getting results means the creator is bad? I’m talking about directly being harmed by a creator’s field and raising awareness over that. I also agree with Vega. Maitreya uses Source energy, which is literally the highest, most pure & divine possible form of energy on all levels of dimensions & realms. Anyone who doesn’t like it is probably dabbling in darker energies/frequencies. They’re also going to be part of the group of people that wouldn’t feel any ill effects or get harmed by fields that involve creators collaborating with entities.


Maitreya uses Divine Energy + if other creator uses dark energy, the energy will cause trouble in someones body, thus the results won’t come.
I think we should be careful because we only have one body.

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This advice goes for any energy transmission, not just morphic fields. They all have the power to be good or bad, they all have the potential to have hidden dark intentions. Sharpening your ability to exercise discernment in order to protect yourself is of utmost importance.

For one, I highly recommend staying away from creators that work with entities, even if they call them their spirit guides and angels. It doesn’t matter what they call it. You yourself won’t truly know what entities they work with and they are not guaranteed to be harmless to you even if they are good to the field creator.

For any new creator you haven’t tried before, I’d say it’s important to understand how they create their fields, in particular, what energy sources are they using. If you don’t know how to yet, I recommend learning how to speak to your higher self so you can ask it about new creators & whether they are safe for you to use or not. Do your due diligence in vetting them before you actually use any of their work. And check in with your gut instinct too. If something doesn’t feel right, err on the side of caution.

Next, if you don’t already have a daily spiritual & energetic protection protocol in place, you need to. Think of it like a computer using the internet. In order to be safe & remain private, the user will need to have things like firewalls, antivirus, password protection, VPN, safe browser. The same goes for energy work, psychic protection is a must. I find the deeper I go into my spiritual journey & energy work, the more important spiritual & energy protection becomes. It’s not just about protecting yourself from the dark, it’s also a lot easier to pick up on other people’s bad energies unintentionally when you don’t have adequate protection. I wish I took this more seriously before but I think that whole experience was my wake up call…


I have used most of the morpheus fields, nothing bad happened to me and i have seen those who use it in many forums, they did not have negative feedback, I also did not have any bad energy from sapien and his team gave me many free help, including the psychological support they gave me in my life’s difficulties. I live in an environment full of bad and manipulative people and i know very well how bad/manipulative people are in my experience none of the creators mentioned are bad. unfortunately I don’t think some people here are doing anything but confusing people. It’s not nice for them to demonize others because it doesn’t fit their religious/ideological agenda.
I agree about maitreya, everyone’s way of making fields is different but i do not believe that other creators are evil or malicious, as i said i know very well how bad people are.
I live in a country that is mostly muslim and when i ask religious people about the fields, they say that such things can only be created by cooperating with evil beings jinn or demons they say that they are satanic, so they tell you their religious thoughts as if they are the only truth, this does not mean that they are right. I am not interested in religious and ideological ideas, I am only interested in concrete reality. Based on my experience/observation and my conversations with these creators i think these creators are safe.


Thank you very much for your input. :star:


Concrete reality is that he uses entities to add energy to his fields, he literally said that in his patreon page so there’s no dispute over that. If you live in an environment full of bad & manipulative people, then its very easy for your intuitive senses on energies to be blurred & subsequently, your ability to discern between good & dark energies. And again, I already said my guides said he isn’t bad himself but the entities he works with put malicious intentions into his fields without his knowledge. There’s nothing confusing about my message here. If he was safe for you, then cool that means your energy & frequency is compatible with him. I only wish he was safe for me too & that I was not harmed. But it happened.


I’m not currently subscribed to his patreon, can you post a screenshot of him saying that?

Most of my criticisms weren’t for you. I criticize chris because unfortunately 9 out of 10 posts are tagging other creators as evil and confusing people with no proof.

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Hah, I cancelled after last month cos of what happened. Why would I continue to be his patreon after getting fucked up by his work. if you want proof I was a patreon of his (premium tier too), I can share that. But I’m no longer a patreon of his & just going through his page the last time to find some info for 20mins made me feel physically sick cos of the bad energy. I will share that on his patreon post about the ‘terrigenesis morphic field’ someone else reported really bad symptoms even before i used his fields. I should have taken that as my sign…

editing to say, from memory, he might have also commented on one of his youtube videos talking about how he creates his fields. I remember him saying he meditates first or something, doubles the potency then redoubles it, adds light language then gets his spirit guides & angels to add their input to the field. You can go look for it or just go ahead & ask him on youtube.


I confirm this aspect, in my opinion the polarity to which the creator or his creations are inclined also influences too much.

I was accidentally guided to Maitreya and when I used his fields, investigated the channel, and resonated TOO MUCH with the energy his fields emitted, heck, I just wanted to keep the energy of the creator, even the other audios i was listening to didn’t feel quite as good, but it seems to be related to what vega said and the polarities that the programmings of the fields lean towards.


And thanks. i will look into what you said. I’m sorry if i broke your heart and hurt you in what i wrote. I’m also sorry about your bad experience. I hope you will be fine.

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Yeah seems so… if it were genuinely just an incompatibility of energy, then I would expect to get no results and that’s fine, I’d move on & try another creator. Being harmed cos dark energy was used is not okay, even if the creator themselves aren’t aware. They have a responsibility for the work they put out there & the people that are going to use their work.


Thanks for saying that. I am also sorry if I came across as quite harsh. The whole experience really shook me & changed my understanding of energy & psychic influence completely, so I was a bit triggered. I wouldn’t wish anyone else to go through this experience which is why I’m sharing everything here. I hope people will take energy protection & spiritual discernment more seriously. Safety is so important!


For real, the first time I posted on the other thread (which is now deleted) about you-know-who (I don’t even feel safe saying his name, it’s like voldemort LOL), I had really bad vibes before I even posted…Even considered just not talking about this. But I felt it was important to share this info, not to give a bad name, but to raise awareness through my experience so hopefully someone else can avoid going through what I did. then literally the same night I got nightmares, woke up gasping and my sleep has been really short like it was before when I first had the issues… I wonder what can be done about this? Is there some sort of protection that can be placed upon the forum members so they can’t be harmed over things they say here? We should feel safe being able to talk about our experiences… Because I have mentioned this creator’s name to someone else in the past few weeks and not experienced anything bad, it was a 1 to 1 chat though


I also feel this a lot so am quite surprised to see Sapien mentioned so often in this forum tbh :sweat_smile: my guides told me to avoid him and QI - didn’t say they were evil but that I shouldn’t use them.


So you accuse me being a Sapien spies? That’s scary. And i never mark or flags someone post.

I don’t think he was calling you out or anyone specifically. But I can understand what he means about having to be careful about what you say cos I also felt like I was directly targeted as a result of sharing my experience about you-know-who. :cold_sweat: Literally using Maitreya’s Balancing the Nervous System field rn cos this convo is partially giving me anxiety lol :rofl: but it’s an important discussion :muscle:


It was in general, nothing against you, or anyone, my best wishes to you Moon :slightly_smiling_face:. It’s for those who come from the other forum, and they mark posts, they are also members of this forum, but they don’t say anything, they just report, that’s why I said spies lol.
I understand that they also include Samurai or the forum in general saying that we are against them loooool, we are just a group of people who want to choose well what products we use.