
Again, thank you @LightOfBrahma as asking me all those questions at once was very helpful and allowed me to answeer to all accusations. Much appreciated.


I just want to add that Maitreya on her part has NEVER said bad things about anyone, not a word. She truly practices what she preaches. She seems to be someone way above petty discussions and gossip spread by people with personal vendettas, rumors, and unwanted discussions on both forums about other energy creators. Truly inspiration. I donā€™t know Spaien (I use both Sapien and Maitreya fields and didnā€™t have any issues with both) so canā€™t comment, but I am lucky to know Maitreya. The way she behaves in everyday life tells a lot about her. Her high vibration shows in the way she treats everyone.

Now bad water is gone and we can all be friends.




I personally agree with all SammyG posts. Sapien helps our lives since many years ago and Maitreya fields are wonderful creations too.
Their fields are perfect combo. For example The Field Emitter (from Maitreya) + Clear Negative Entity (from Sapien) = life saver all the time.

I hope future will be better with such powerful and positive figures like Sapien and Maitreya.
God bless everyone. :blush:


@Everyone before making any judgment based on Samuel comments give yourself time to investigate the issues deeply and I encourage you to trust your self and your own judgmentā€¦

It is up to you what you say about someone, including Maitreya. You have your karma to teach you what is right and what isnā€™t, itā€™s not up to meā€¦ So speak as you wish and bear the consequencesā€¦

I am not spreading any misinformationā€¦ I am here telling the truth God knows if I have any other motive.

Stop lying Samuel, what trust have I broken? I was very loyal with my workā€¦ thatā€™s very wrong to say a lie like this, Samuel. I remind you of the divine law of karma and of human law that criminalizes slander. So, careful with your accusations if you canā€™t prove what you are calming about me publiclyā€¦

Since you brought out the topic I will explain what really happened, so people can hear both sides of the story and decide for themselves what is more believableā€¦

First of all I was not kicked out but left because I did not want to stay any longer due to your unprofessional, offensive and dishonest behaviorā€¦ I was doing IT work for you and we had an agreement what I should do for you. I fixed your entire site after it had been hacked and had back doors, I set up the course site, I moved the forum, and many other things I did for youā€¦ When I ask for my pay, Dreamweaver gets angry, calls me greedy, calls me a ā€œwormā€ and gets furious that I tag him in a meme as if he is royalty and I am a peasant who overstepped his boundariesā€¦

I wonder why Dreamweaver feels itā€™s OK for him to charge for his workā€¦ but itā€™s not OK to pay others who work for him? Not only that but he gets angry when the payment is due, as if it should be my honor to be a slave to himā€¦

After that happened I left the forum, that same day. I handed over security details to you Samuel, and deleted myself from the server. If I was really ā€˜shadyā€™ as you accuse me, donā€™t you think that I would have taken advantage of you then? But I didnā€™tā€¦ A dishonest and greedy person would have used the PayPal keys to get access to the money but I did notā€¦ I honestly concluded my work and handed it over to you with no issuesā€¦ And you never said differently so far. And later on I asked your mods to delete my account, because of some problems OM was creating. Before that no one had the courage to delete my account because all of you know well, that all this wasnā€™t my fault at allā€¦ If I was really doing something wrong you would have clearly kicked me out and deleted my account, but nothing like that happenedā€¦ Would you leave an IT specialist account you accuse of harming you to stay there like that? Obviously notā€¦

You and I both had agreed on 500$(which you paid me after the course site) and 500$ worth of fields of my choice for the IT services I provided to youā€¦ I worked on your site vulnerabilities, your channel issues with the YouTube team, removed viruses from your site, code issues, database issues,etcā€¦ Ask for a quote from another IT specialist to see how much that should have cost you and compare with the minimal sum I asked, that you only partially paid, for all the sleepless nights spent trying to fix everything and save your site and help youā€¦ And after all the verbal abuse I got from Dreamweaver when I left, you started inventing stories that put me in a bad light somehow, even though I was the one that was wronged and never did anything wrong to youā€¦ but only helped you and basically saved your business when you were hackedā€¦ However it seems that you are the only ones who deserve to get paid for their work, the rest of us have to work for free for youā€¦

And now you came here and wrote that you always liked me and wish me well and so on, while simultaneously slandering me without a shred of proofā€¦would you really like me if I really did something dishonest with your website and defrauded you as you claimed? So all the things you claim do not add up. You are manipulative and dishonest yourselfā€¦

You claim that your servitors do no harm. Sorry that is not trueā€¦ I and others have been attacked by your servitors many times and I know what they do and the effectsā€¦ Whoever does not believe me may keep using them and will see the result for themselves in this life or the nextā€¦ When they lose control over the servitor and it makes them ill orā€¦ worse. My advice to all who seek the truth regarding servitors is-do your own research and come to your conclusions. Google ā€˜servitor creationā€™ā€¦ Look up book results, and you will be clear who, how and why creates servitors and what effects one can expect. If after that you sill think this is all light and beneficial, suit yourselfā€¦

I used to trust you and was using your fields and not to mention how much I liked the VOC field and how much I praised itā€¦ then you come here and say I was always a hate monger. This is manipulative trick just to clear your image and yourselfā€¦ I was honest when I praised what I liked and am now honest again in saying the truth about the effects and powers used in the fieldsā€¦ No one has to believe me, check for yourself and make up your own mindā€¦

I did not know about powers you use and the effects. It was only 6 months ago that I learned about itā€¦ My friends also confirmed thatā€¦ Initially I kept quiet because I never wanted to be a part of all this dramaā€¦ Then someone asked me something, and then people started asking meā€¦ so eventually I decided I will trust God and got the courage to speak the truth and to make others aware of itā€¦ Even though after I say something I often get attacksā€¦ Other users also confirmed the same things happening to themā€¦

Again my belief is that Dreamvaver changed and changed the way he makes fields and what powers he connects toā€¦ This is my personal viewā€¦ With his Nibiru field and Alien field. They get implants into people and control their consciousnessā€¦ I believe after making those fields he changedā€¦

Regarding the number of users on your forum as proof of anything, unfortunately for all of us it is not proof. Millions of people use drug, millions of people use black magic, millions of people use channels that create fields and subliminals with black magic and have entities attached to their work who then attack the usersā€¦ People try to solve their problems but since that are not sensitive enough and canā€™t see energy some fall pray to evil forces and suffer tremendously afterwordsā€¦ Iā€™ve spoken to people severely and likely irreparably damaged by fields and subliminals by other creators and by sapienā€™s fields as wellā€¦

To see the truth you must walk on the path of truth. Else you will get trappedā€¦

You think your partner is going in the right direction, and all is wellā€¦ But then something happens in your heart that says there is something wrong but you ignore itā€¦ Because he says all is good ā€¦ I suggest you really look into what is going on and save yourselfā€¦

The person who walks on the path of truth and divinity never creates something that can harm othersā€¦ But still, he makes servitors and harmful fields like Nibiru, etcā€¦

I challenge everyone who uses sapiens fields ā€œSTOP allā€ā€¦ Play Maitreyaā€™s divine invocation and ask God to remove all that does not serve you and is not in your highest good from your aura and your body and see how you feel after a monthā€¦ Go and see the differenceā€¦


Hey guys,

Sammygs account is limited due too many posts as a new member. He says that is fine and no issue. He has the same protocols in his forum. He asked me to post his last thoughts here and heā€™ll be out of your way forever. Unless Chris agrees to his request.


From Sammy:

"Oh I donā€™t have an issue with her at all and I know she hasnā€™t said or done anything of the sort. And I know the majority of people here donā€™t go around spreading these kinds of rumors or project any sort of negative energy. Itā€™s rather apparent that most of the people here are good natured and willing to grow. And that Maitreyaā€™s vibe and fields has a positive influence on you all.

Same with my forum in that the majority of people there donā€™t trash talk other people or channels. Thereā€™s a select few but that is not representative of everyone just as the things Iā€™ve seen in this thread are not representative of this forum as a whole.

I merely came because someone pointed out some comments to me from this thread that had him confused and well, I saw who it came from and felt it necessary to address the past and as many allegations were thrown here against us. I apologize if I disturbed your peace in any way."


From Sammy:

"I do wish you well Chris. But you did make dangerous claims about our channel and I had to come address them and our past came into question. I apologize for making this personal. I should not have done so. But understand that you saying the things you are saying about us is also taken personally.

I am not just Dreamā€™s partner, I am also sapienmed. Sapienmed was going to remain some small channel with no site and not much to it. But I went to him and told him lets make this into something bigger 10 years ago. If you say something about sapienmed, you are also saying something about me.

And I have been shown posts from you over time, saying all kinds of things about sapienmed. Things you have no proof of. It is hearsay. But just like what you say is hearsay, everything I say is hearsay.

You can type up 10,000 words in this thread and I can type another 10,000 and at the end of the day, itā€™s all words. And people wind up confused and not knowing who to trust.

But like I said, nobody here should blatantly trust me and nobody here should just blatantly trust you either.

And Iā€™ll say it again, I am more than willing to go on a live zoom call with you and everyone in this forum attending to answer to your accusations.

And from there, people can read our energy and intentions and determine who is telling the truth and who isnā€™t. I believe in human intuition.

If you are as righteous as you say you are, you will accept this invitation. If you are willing to make such accusations about people, then you must have the integrity to tell it to them to their face. And show yours.

I am willing to show mine and put everything on the line. Iā€™ll put my entire reputation on the line for this. I have everything to lose. You have very little to lose.

This is the only fair way to go about this. When people speak out loud, faces shown, you cannot hide your intentions. You cannot hide your true face. And there are many in this forum here who are aware enough to tell.

If you really believe in what you are saying then you can save lives by exposing us. I am giving you the opportunity to do so. I would gladly put everything weā€™ve worked on at risk to answer to all the stuff you have been saying, to me, face to face. Now the question is, are you willing to do this?"


I do not get how a challenge to a face to face determines the truth. American elections much? The face to face only shows personal charisma or lack there of, fast thinking or not, self control or lack of itā€¦Not the truth. The most humble, shaky person, whose English is a second language can have more integrity and truth in them than a self confident native speaker, who can silence and suppress another person with ease and is used to lying and bullying. The claims Chris made are not something that can be proven in a live, nor they can be disproven in a live. A live will not add any benefit to proving or disproving the facts. People need to do their investigations on their own.

I think everybody heard the other side. Thatā€™s enough. People can make up their minds from here, do their own research and fulfill their own karma.

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Oh I donā€™t have an issue with her at all and I know she hasnā€™t said or done anything of the sort. And I know the majority of people here donā€™t go around spreading these kinds of rumors or project any sort of toxicity. Itā€™s rather apparent that most of the people here are good natured and willing to grow. And that Maitreyaā€™s vibe and fields has a positive influence on you all.

Same with my forum in that the majority of people there donā€™t trash talk other people or channels. Thereā€™s a select few but that is not representative of everyone just as the things Iā€™ve seen in this thread are not representative of this forum as a whole.

I merely came because someone pointed out some comments to me from this thread that had him confused and well, I saw who it came from and felt it necessary to address the past and as many allegations were thrown here against us. I apologize if I disturbed your peace in any way.


It doesnā€™t. You are absolutely right that speaking face to face doesnā€™t 100% determine truth. I could be extremely charismatic and just pull in the crowd with ease. Or Chris could do so. But, a live conversation is an extra piece of data that helps people make a decision for themselves. As of now, people just have our posts where we both claim opposite things, to decide from.

And this is a psychic forum to an extent. People working with energy. Healing themselves and expanding their consciousness through it. I assume that people here arenā€™t just the normal populace getting swayed by politians giving charismatic speeches. I assume the people here can read peopleā€™s energy. Peopleā€™s intentions. Charisma with hidden intent is one of the easiest things to read if you are aware enough. Itā€™s all too obvious.

And Iā€™m not making such a challenge in order to have a debate with Chris. I actually want to have a civil and positive conversation. Although, I have asserted myself here in a manner that would insinuate otherwise, Iā€™m not here to fight. Iā€™m just here to speak our side of things and allow people to detemine truth for themselves. To allow me to answer whatever accusations Chris has and actually listen to me say these things. I donā€™t know about you but lying is something that can be felt. Lies are tangible. You would know if Iā€™m lying. I donā€™t believe you people to so susceptible to manipulation. I believe the majority of you have grown beyond that.

I find it unacceptable in modern society that people arenā€™t willing to ever confront people face to face with their accustations. Itā€™s all done behind computer screens and anonymous profile pics. It feels disingenuous to me and I think we get to see if someone actually means what they say if theyā€™re willing to say it live. Otherwise, anyone can just type anything about anyone online and expect to be taken seriously. (Which is what happens nowadays and is the cause for all sorts of problems)

And also, you said that we should keep it at that and allow people to determine truth based on the data available. I honestly was okay with just letting it go and moving on. But, my posts where I answer all concerns and accusations were deleted. So I donā€™t have even any data to support myself here.

Only Chrisā€™s points stands and that is actually not fair whatsoever as people can only make decisions based on the posts Chris made but canā€™t even see any of the points I made.

Itā€™s hard to believe that when my posts canā€™t even be seen.

Regardless, Iā€™ll be out of your way. Itā€™s impossible to have any sort of discourse if people are flagging my posts to get deleted for simply giving my side of the story. And not even breaking any rules. I read your rules and I didnā€™t break anything considering I also posted what I posted in the debate thread.

Peace, Iā€™m out. If you ever decide to want to have that conversation Chris, Iā€™d be more than glad.


I assume you donā€™t have the NFT.

Is that correct?

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Just dropping this here.

This is from 2020 btw, not 3 weeks ago.


(post deleted by author)

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@SammyG We have not deleted any of your posts. your posts were flagged by users as a result it was hidden as you have a new account here. Everyone still was able to see all your posts by clicking ā€˜View ignored contentā€™. We have cleared the flags and made your post vissible.

Now this is enough, if you feel you have something more to address, please do in your own forum as it concerns your business.

Kind regards


Asking me to come to a live video chat and expose my energetical system so your guys can easily attack me is an old trickā€¦

Anyone who is sensitive enough or is a psychic can easily sense what intention one has behind their wordsā€¦ as one can easily sense manipulation in your posts to take people by your sideā€¦

with strong intentions, you came here to make me look like a shady personā€¦ who has something against you personally ā€¦ anyone who is sensitive enough can sense itā€¦ when that does not work, now you are trying with another way to prove me wrong, so you can save your businessā€¦

Anyway, why your own partner is anonymous? why did he not show his face to the world? nobody truly knows who the guy taking them to that roadā€¦ he is anonymous and still, everyone believes him?..

Donā€™t you think by this logic your own partner is playing around?.. behind a computer screen, anonymous profile, donā€™t you feel disingenuous about it?..

You posted a wall of words but didnā€™t truly give any explanation to everyone then what you will do with the live video chat is truly predictableā€¦

I understand your intention with the live video chat very well so donā€™t try this on meā€¦

You truly have no idea as to what truly is going on, as an attempt to save your business you are trying redundantly to save it with logicless and pointless commentsā€¦

Many other people can feel and sense what truly is going on, if they are not posting here it is because they know they will get attackedā€¦ that doesnā€™t mean that people are not aware of itā€¦


Donā€™t share old screenshots it adds no value here it is pointless, I was thinking the same at that time if you would have asked me I would have said the sameā€¦ talk about whatā€™s happening now thatā€™s what mattersā€¦

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Itā€™s not that old, in fact Iā€™ll add a new one addressing your quote:

This is Maitreya answering an interview in which she praises Sapienā€™s Nibiru field on the 5th question given to her (date is probably around 2020 too, but sheā€™s talking about the field you were talking):


Saddest thing is our intuitionā€™s so blocked we cannot just listen to both channels and know if energyā€™s positive or not. We need to have these lengthy debates instead.

Based on my belief system, a while ago I assumed Sapien Med dangerous point-blank. I even did energy sessions believing my destiny was to clear the channel away. Yeahā€¦ I kinda snapped out of that now. How ChrisMous writes is exactly how used to think. Fascinating to see, reallyā€¦

All stems from the same thing. Noone of us are psychic enough yetā€¦

Not saying ChrisMous is wrong either. Iā€™ve no idea. Psychic ability totally hampered.