
@SammyG I’m sorry for drifting the conversation elsewhere, but what does Dream mean by saying that energy programmed audios are easier/faster to do than morphic fields?

Does it mean that energy programmed audios usually have lower quality than morphic fields because they’re faster/easier to do meanwhile morphic fields have higher quality for fields because of the technology that backs it up?


Regular energy programming forces an energy pattern onto a thing/sound/image, person or environment. Energy programming doesn’t stay on a human body because the body’s homeostasis clears it away it eventually and environments also clear away such patterns eventually. But on items/audios/images, the patterns can latch on for long periods of time.

For example, back when I used to work with radionics machines, I could charge an audio with ‘virgo’ energy. While meditating, I mentally set the energy to integrate with the audio and for the audio to emit this energy when you listen to it. Meditation doesn’t need to be long and I can leave the radionics machine for a day or two. Sometimes go back to it and increase my intention on it. And then tada, the audio would have the energy programming become a part of it. But, it’s forced. And when listening to it, the energy forces itself on you.

Now, that’s fine and all. I used to do it and it’s fine. But the main issue is self regulation. Energy patterns are far more prone to degredation over time or even being shifted by someones own patterns or even someone elses patterns. The energy pattern isn’t fully integrated and even when you program protection and programming in it that allows it draw in zero point energy to keep repairing itself, the energy is not solid. It is fluid and can easily be distorted.

That being said, it is still useful and works great for short term projects. Heck, if you’re skilled enough, you can make some energetically programmed audios that last years in effectiveness.

Morphic fields are our preferred method because the energy pattern is being integrated into the audio/image/item’s very own energy pattern. They are becoming one. Indistinguishable in the sense that the audio is the field and the field is the audio. The field is solid and has a life it’s own in a sense. Fields also assimilate to your beingness rather than forcing themselves on your pattern. Blends in rather than forces itself in. It’s safer and the subconscious is more prone to accept the new pattern this way.

That being said, that is why it’s more difficult. Dale would spend days creating just one field. It is a matter of pure, unbending focus that creates a pattern that takes on a life of its own. Your consciousness is creating another source point of consciousness and to do so, in a way that the pattern itself can self regulate, takes a lot of time and unbending focus. Of course, over time, you can reduce the amount of time it takes to do it. If you do anything difficult long enough, you will find ways to shorten the time. But anyways, sorry for the long winded explanation lol.


I am not sure why is this explanation here, as Maitreya Fields does not use the described method of ’ regular energy programming’ whatever this is that we find compared to how sapien does things. Please do not assume you know or understand what Maitreya does and how she does it, and do not tell people her work is inferior to that of your boss, based on wrong understanding.


I believe you misunderstood me Vega. I wasn’t making any sort of judgements toward Maitreya. I merely answered the question I was asked in regards to captain’s previous post. I don’t know what methods Maitreya uses so I wouldn’t even know where to begin judging .

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Based on the context of the conversation people are asking about energy program compared to a morphic field. So naturally, one would assume that you are referring to Maitreya’s fields as they are called ‘energetically programmed’ (audios, mandalas. etc). Your explanation of what that is is entirely and completely wrong. May be you’ve done something that you were calling ‘energetic programming’ and are now comparing it with how sapien makes fields now, but that has nothing to do with Maitreya’s approach, work and nature of her fields. All the qualities, flaws and characteristics you describe of a supposed energy field may apply to what you’ve done and called that in the past, but does not apply to Maitreya’s work.


Vega… You are still projecting your perception of what you think I intended. I told you I didn’t intend to compare our work to Maitreya. I know very little of Maitreyas work so I didn’t even know that the names of the fields had energetic programming in the name. Heck, in some of our earlier fields, we would have energetic programming in the name. So whatever you are saying here is not applicable.

I was reiterating what captain was saying in that regular energy programming like I mentioned (using radionics machines to charge audios, or regular magick) is generally not as refined as creating fields. I’m not sure why you are getting offended considering Maitreyas work is considered fields, yes? And I mention fields in high regard. So if anything, I’m complimenting Maitreyas work considering she’s working with fields.


I simply answered a question. And now I’m getting pushback for answering it. I said I would answer any questions that were asked. I’m not sure what I am doing wrong here. I did not come to explain how fields work. However, somebody asked me a question and I gladly answered it.

As for all the claims against us. Those are the questions I’m waiting for. I’m not about to answer to every previous post here. I’m here now. Make your claims against me. Tell me what your concerns are. I’m here for that. Some of you can even just copy and paste what people said. It’s already a not energetically sound for me to be here as I don’t feel welcome. I feel hostility brewing but I will be as respectful as possible and answer anything that is asked.


The question you answered was in essence asking for comparison with Maitreya fields. This is rather obvious. I would assume it was rather obvious to you as well, because I don’t see why otherwise you would be in this forum explaining sapiens work in comparison with some third method not connected to Maitreya fields.
But to conclude this-we now established that your comments here regarding a supposed method for energy programming as well as sapien’s comments about that method have nothing whatsoever to do with Maitreya fields approach and the qualities and characteristics of her fields. So I would ask you to discuss sapiens work in comparison with some third party’s work at the appropriate forums. We are Maitreya Fields here.

As per your displeasure of how some people do not like sapien-oh well, we too feel sad when we see people badmouthing Maitreya on sapiens forum, but we never came to create conflict, explain ourselves, nor for that matter did sapien remove that badmouthing from there. So then, let people be free and express themselves.


Sorry for that, I didn’t mean to use Maitreya’s work directly as a comparison for Sapien’s work.

I was curious about Dream’s statement for a while and now that I saw SammyG here, I saw an oportunity to ask him directly about this, because it is really hard to reach him on sapien forums.

I honestly do not know how morphic fields or energetic fields work, and a bit of clarity may be good for everyone, it would be nice to see a clear and full explanation of sapien’s method and maitreya’s method in the future (aswell as other channels such as quadible integrity). But I get that the creators may not be that interested in sharing that stuff because they may get some kind of backlash.

Because I was asked? Are you completely ignoring that @Pixer asked me this question and I simply anwerered it. Let me help you.

I don’t know the context of what captain said or if it was in relation to Maitreyas work. I simply answered the question.

I told you that I came here because I was asked by a forum member to check out this thread.

I didn’t read every post but I read the latest one by Chris and his claims. And well, I thought to respond to him cause I know chris. I haven’t read through this whole thread but many times, I have actually been referred to threads here making claims about us.

And well, I’m doing the mature thing of coming here and addressing these claims. I don’t have to do this at all. But I’m doing it because I believe that to be the right thing to do even if it makes me uncomftorable. I’d rather confront things headfirst than let it continue to grow over time. But that’s just me.


There is no one thing called energetic programming. There may be thousands of methods for that, natural or developed as techniques. To bless someone is an energetic programming too. So really there can’t be an explanation of what this is in comparison to morphic fields as every person who has done it will explain about what they have experienced. One thing I want to say is that explanation has nothing to do with Maitreya fields.
Another thing I can tell you for sure, you are not going to see a detailed explanation of anyone;s method, and even if you did, making a field is a matter of personal capacity. It’s not like a dish recipe that you follow and get the same result.


Exactly, the question wasn’t in comparison to Maitreyas work in the first place. So I’m not sure what @Vega has been projecting here.

I didn’t see it that way either. Me and Vega are arguing over absolutely nothing because I did not come here to talk down on Maitreyas work. Nothing I said was in regard to her work but my words keep being miconstrued. Even when I have constantly said that was not my intention. If it was, I would make that very clear. I have nothing to hide and would make my intention very clear if that’s what it was. But it is not.


They are free to express themselves. I’m not here to tell anyone to stop bad mouthing us. This has been happening for years and it’s not going to stop today. But, some people out there listen to Maitreyas fields and Sapien’s fields. And they lurk these forums. And they hear things like this and get confused and then come to me about it. So I thought I’d stop by for a very short while and answer any concerns people might have. I’m not here to convince people of anything. I’m only here to give you all our side of the stories being told about us.

Captain never asked me to do this either. This is of my own accord. I’d rather speak for us than have others do so. But after that, all the rumors and whatnot can continue on. But at the very least, I left a mark of our side here. That is all.


‘Let me help you’ is not exactly a friendly approach, I’d say its rather arrogant. So, no do not help me.
Obviously when you come here and make a long post describing how a supposed ‘regular energetic programming’ whatever this even is, is inferior to Morphic fields because of this and that, this does not answer any attacks you may have seen here against sapien. It only attempts to undermine what Maitreya does, by replacing the meaning of the term ‘energetic programming’ as used by her, with what is essentially falsified meaning of this term and then denigrating it.

If your team choses to go to various forums and defend your work and creator, you may do that, but I don’t see you doing this. You only described a relationship between a person here and sapien, which is ad hominem, and does not prove anything nor it defends sapien in any way. Then you make a long post about a question that should have been asked on your forum. Sorry no. This is not going to fly. I suggest you cut the arrogance and then if you want to answer specific claims against sapien, please do, I’d be interested in reading that.


Yes, symbolic knowledge it is always incomplete because we rationally only get to capture very small articulations of stuff that’s out of our reduced logical capacity to order things and do science.

I think that may be a difference between morphic fields and other energetic approaches, “morphic fields” specifically attempt to ground their work on general rules and knowledge to validate it scientifically (afaik about Dream’s goals).

Meanwhile Maitreya’s work is not interested in that pursue.

Nonetheless not having that pursue in mind does not hurt or make Maitreya’s work less powerful/relevant/successful.

Just a few examples of audios of ours that have energetic programming in the name. If my post about regular energetic programming was making an attaack on maitreyas fields because her fields have energetic programming in the name, then I am also attacking my fields by doing so. We have used energetic programming in the name many times. I will repeat it to you once more because you keep flipping what I say…

I was not attacking Maitreyas work with my answer to Pixers post. I even spoke of the method of regular energetic programming that I was referring to. Using radionics machines and such. That is what I meant by regular energetic programming. I was not ever referring to Maitreyas’s work.

I apologize for saying let me help you. I can see why that comes off as arrogant. I will admit I have gotten a bit jumpy at you because you keep misconstruing everything I am saying. Everything I say, you flip into an attack. That is not a amicable way of having a conversation with someone. I have tried to be as patient as I can with you but if I were flipping everything you were saying, you would get just as agitated. Again, I apologize for saying let me help you. That was wrong of me.


Thank you.

Now that we’ve cleared the ‘energetic programming’ issue, if you feel inclined you can answer what accusations against sapien you feel are wrong.


There is no rejection on my part, not for you, not for anyone, I’m really not interested in drama. If I put a barrier between you and me, then I put a barrier between me and the world, you don’t feel welcome because not only good things have been said about Dream or about you, here there have been opinions from everyone.
I hope this doesn’t turn into a victimhood tantrum that we reject you here because it’s not like that, at least not on my part. Nor am I going to speak for everyone, but, according to my summary of the entire thread, I will ask you the questi1ons and general doubts and I hope you answer them.

Does Dream know what he’s doing? What is mainly questioned is the conscience of the Captain, is he capable of exercising control over his products? I mean, this has been questioned too much, does Dream use some kind of entity work? in your NFT work you supposedly work with high level beings that can be considered of the ‘deity’ rank, isn’t that dangerous? Isn’t that a skill achieved by few? And why only some have this power? because only some can have access to these nft? Why isn’t there a FREE protection NFT for everyone? Wouldn’t that benefit all of humanity? Why are these nft given to only a few? is it the new world order? only a privileged few and the rest nothing, is there a limit to these NFTs?, can they ask the deities to destroy another human being, steal energy from him? is there a limit to these NFTs? Because in the past Sapien worked on a vampire project where they took a small amount of energy without doing it, will others notice? even if it wasn’t soul/core energy? why hide that? Why (in Chris’s words) has Dream made poor judgments and decisions? I don’t know, only those come to mind, also:
well if you really want the recap this is what the thread is based on this:

Chris: "Frankly, saying He started pretty good, I used to like this dude a lot… until I learned what side he has chosen and taking others in that road… I was shocked and surprised at the same time when I learn about it… But it is what it is… He is responsible for his choices and actions we are none to judge him… Whatever he is doing if he is aware or not will have consequences for him in the future no one can escape with the karma… As he has put thousands of people at risk … With all that shit he is involved in…

I reached maximum number of posts in one day so I made a new account. I can be deleted afterwards. Again sorry, for the hassle.

By the way, I am not just a forum member defending Captain’s work. I am Captain’s partner. I run our forum, website, amongst other things.

Well I see Chris is here making claims like we have entities in our forum stealing life force from people. Or that we use dark entities in all of our work.

I’ll firstly say that he wasn’t saying any of this when he was in our good side. But of course he does when he brands us enemy.

2nd, I’ll say that all of our fields work off the morphic fields principle. Some NFTs or fields like angelic or devic intercession connect you to divine forces. And for some, servitors are sentient intelligent morphic fields.

We don’t work with darker entities to do any of this stuff because that would be to our detriment. There’s nothing to gain from doing so. What… to siphon people’s energy? Why? When there’s a infinite universe of all sorts of energy to work with. Why siphon humans energy that is generally very low vibrational.

We don’t do what we do to feed off people. That is silly. We do what we do to benefit people. We never made any money from the channel nor intended to in the first 3-4 years. We just created videos that we thought would help people that did not have access to modern medicine. And well, we have benefitted many people over the years and these people spread the word.

Our channel has grown organically for the past 10 years due to benefitting people and those people spreading the word. We do no marketing and youtube has demonitized us and also mostly gotten rid of us in the youtube algorithm (not showing up in youtube recommendations). If we were stealing people’s life force or instilling negativity into their lives, then many people would become aware of this and not listen to our audios anymore. They would make plenty of videos denouncing our evils. And they would not spread the word and tell others to listen to our work.

Our forum wouldn’t get as much traffic as gets (80k page views a day). There would be an uproar and it would be felt by the whole sub community. Negativity isn’t something that is easy to hide.
Like, negativity can be used to heal but destroy other parts of you. It’s implausible that our audios would be benefitting so many people but also destroying them at the same time. This would be known and overtly obvious to most people.

We are doing no such thing. I can assure that from the bottom of my heart, mind and soul. May the heavens curse me for eternity if I am lying to you in any way. I know I am not.

That’s all I can give you. Logic and heart felt assurance. I can’t just show you that we are right and Chris is wrong. At the end of the day, these are just words. And you can choose to trust him or me. That’s really up to you and I am not going to force you to think any different. I just wanted to say my piece. That is all.

(I’ll answer your post now Light)


Thank you very much! I appreciate your questions. I genuinely do.

And no, this won’t turn into a victimhood thing. I came here of my own accord and very well understood the possibilities. For me to cry about getting attacked would be rather immature of me. I was certainly hoping to have civilized discourse that doesn’t have to resort to any arguing.

Yes, Dream knows what he’s doing. He’s been in the spiritual path since he was a child. Wasn’t just something he started doing 10 years ago. It’s a life long journey and when you do anything for this long, you get extremely adept at it. And well, he started in other forums too (xtrememind) like 12-15 years ago and was validated by those mages there for years. Heck, that’s how I found him. And those guys were quite powerful.

No. No entities in his field making process. He creates from his own consciousness. If there’s any entities involved like NFTs and whatnot, it is usually in creating an energetic copy of the entity or diety, in which is programmed to not act outside of programming. Other fields like angelic intercession, connect you to a angellic entities. The field itself is still created by dream. And all it does is connect you to entities. But the fields are never made through entities.

As for diety work, as I mentioned… energetic copies (that are massive entities) that can be worked with to accomplish different tasks and goals. Before such undertakings, Cap must consult the diety or entity first. Must be done so out of respect because at the end of the day, the diety/entity will be connected to it since its of its energy signature. If we were to do such a thing without permission, then yes, it would be very dangerous. And it would cost us more than it would cost anyone else. We wouldn’t be here right now.

So the danger is in getting permission and showing proper respect. Which is the rule. We’ve denied projects that we do not get permission for. Beyond that, why is he able to do that and not other people? That’s a good question that I don’t have the answer to. I’m not able to do anything near what he can do. But I don’t look at him like he is above me. And he doesn’t look at me in such a way either. We treat eachother as equals and don’t look down on others as well.

It’s a matter of commitment I guess. He has been doing these things for a very long time and the more you do it, the more creative you get and the more your consciousness expands, the more your consciousness is able to grasp and take ahold of. Truth is… you, me and anyone here can do such things.

He is human, like you and I. But we cannot forget that beyond human, we are all source consciousness. We all have capabilities beyond our current understanding. And the deeper you dig into your own consciousness, the more you will find becomes available to you. He was able to get deeper than most and perhaps, that’s why he can do what he does. It also… biggest thing actually now that I remember in regards to this…

Responsibility. Divinity would not allow such abilities on people with egos. He doesn’t care for power. For fame. For any such things. Nor does he care to brandish his power over others. That opens many more doors the deeper you go down the rabbit hole.

A free protection NFT? We have negative entity, negative energy removal, emf shielding and a number of other free fields that provide shielding.

NFTs are like legendary items that dream likes to create. Me and him are RPG gamers and NFTs are ways to create limited rare fields that people can not only benefit from, but also be able to trade or sell if they so please. The NFTs are fields that people own for themselves. But more than that, the NFTs are fields that people collectively create together. It’s a fun side thing that grew into something much larger.

None of these fields are above our other fields. We have free fields for just about every category that exists. Plenty of free and affordable things for people to enjoy. Now of course, NFTs are rather expensive and some of our fields are more expensive than others. But, we price it that high because more work was put into them and we believe them to be of high value. But we tell people, quite a lot, that you don’t need these higher prices fields or NFTs to heal and grow. Everything you need is in our channels, free of charge.

So those questions of new world order or not benefitting most people… we have like over 200 free audios and even free image fields spread across to benefit anyone that so pleases. We sell things like any other creator sells things.

No, people cannot ask their servitors to hurt or steal from people. That has been part of our programming on any sentience since Cap’n started doing any of this work such as the old servitors form EnlightenedStates. People can try but they will fail. And they have, cause they’ve tried to attack us with our very own servitors lol. But they don’t comply. Giving people such capability is irresponsible considering most people are still not mature enough when under stressful situations (angry person will impulsively attack people all the time. No way we’d allow that). And giving people such power would come back to harm us in the end because you inflcit that sort of chaos on the world (letting people just attack people with servitors), other forces tend to step in in order to instill balance. That’s why I mention responsiblity. Not just anybody is able to do such things because most people are too egotistical.

As for vampire project, in xtrememind, dream had a project where asked volunteers for an energy vamping project. Basically, in this world, there exist some energy vampires. It’s something you are born with. Where, you feed off the energy around you (ambient energy, environments, nature, people). Sort of like plants feed off of light. It’s a natural state of being.

The project was to grant people this state of beingness for a short period of time. It worked out for the people in the project but it did not remain permanent. Nor did he ever dabble with that again. It’s not a maniuplative state of being when there are people who exist like this everyday. In the same way, plants live off sunlight, some people live off the energy around them. It sounds great but it’s not because you end up feeding off corrupted energy allllll the time.

This was maybe 12-14 years ago by the way. People like to bring it up like some great evil. But I’d love to hear you guys tell me why it was. This wasn’t hidden either. We’ve explained this very thing a number of times in the past. But I guess when people want to bring us down and make others mistrust us, this is what they bring up.

Chris saying until he learned what side he has chosen? How would he know when he hasn’t spoken to dream at all in years and has been hating us from the outside for a very long time after Captain didn’t want to work with him anymore. Someone with a vendetta against someone will always find negative things to say about them.

As for what he said, that ‘negative entities show you that all is good nothing to worry’. As I said, out of a 269,000 sample size of people who listen to our channel, MANY of them will become aware that they are under the influence of entities. That is a lot of people and there are enough people out of such a big sample size, that are psychically aware enough to recognize they are under negative influences. Like I said, you would hear an uproar.

And then he says that ‘you will get results with demons faster than anyone and that this is what we are doing… using demons to help people and then get them enslaved for lifetimes or whatever’. If anyone really believes that is true, then that means that me and dream are also under the influence right? So how about this because it’s so easy to just say anything without any sort of proof at all and just have people believe you.

I’d gladly speak to Chris live for all the forum to see me and him speaking and we can discuss this like gentelmen. I imagine that many of you here are energy sensitive enough to be able to note whether I am under the influence. I am very upfront and would gladly show face so you can make a assertion for yourself whether I am some demonically posessed overlord that is using demons in my fields in order to siphon the life out of people. That is a very serious allegation that one shouldn’t just believe because somebody says it. Especially coming from someone that got kicked out of working with us and has been on a hate train against us since then. That’s a big conflict of interest and you shouldn’t just simply trust what that person says.

But if you want to, then that’s fine. No harm, no foul. I am not going to fight this tooth and nail. You believe what you please. But you should not ever, believe anything chris says or I say, just out of blind trust. Analyze the data yourself and make an assertion out of that.

I won’t be returning after tonight and will ask to have my account anonymized or deleted if you so please. But if you really want to go live with me chris, just let it be known and someone will get back to me.