
Ok then, i misunderstand here. I’m sorry.


I’m trying to understand how I can reduce Sapien’s fields, but I always use a lot. However, I repeat, I feel fine. But I feel that Maitreya’s energy is more compatible with me, while Sapien’s are more…neutral?

Here my Christmas ( :laughing: )wish list to convert, If possible:

  • Superhuman mutant
  • Alchemical Jing Charged blood
  • Photosynthesis
  • Orgone Accumulator
  • Nullify and Amplify planetary and astrological effects (This I think is extremely important)
  • Bone Marrow
  • Fat to stem cell
  • Collagen
  • Targeted joint articulations
  • Fa Jin Going healing
  • Mana circuits
  • Animals and plants
  • Water charger ( I think Maitreya’s food need this add after DM: water blessings)
  • Muscle targeted and recovery without hormones

Feel free to add or remove everything, suggestions are always accepted. We are just talking.
And of course, I think Maitreya’s work about Angels is important over everything else.

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Because maitreya puts unconditional love in the making of fields, this may be why this feeling.


I feel like I’m on a pink cloud! :grin:

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It’s also because she uses Source energy, there is no higher form of divine energy of love & light than that :slight_smile: I feel very safe using Maitreya’s fields :smiling_face:


I have the same feeling using SZ. But for them you need to meditate and be alone or in a good environment, and that energy is a bomb of purity.

While you can use Maitreya’s when you’re, for example, parking and are going to the other side of the street and you’re asking why the day is going soooooooo good!

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Wow… Lol

This statement written is yours ??

“I know” who is that “I”… Lol

Your intuition is trapped you won’t feel anything anyway…

You also gets influenced by stories, they tell you in other forum… So for you that is your truth …

What here is being said is based on the truth which is beyond that truth they told you based on their agenda… what they have put in your mind… Hance, you are struggling with it …

You are totally confused as to which side of power you should use… this confusion creates conflicts inside of you … As the strong belief you have for other creator are being triggered … and you are trying very hard to protect those beliefs … And you are having difficulty to understand as to what truly is going on…

If you really think “you know” the world you are deadly wrong… Once you awaken your senses your “world” created in your mind will be destroyed…

Anyway, it will be much better if you learn things your own than being depended on others opinions… There is a lot which you don’t know and is hidden, wearing a “Good” mask…

I would recommend to all of you who are posting here; use divine invocation and ask God to protect you, no one should get harmed showing the courage to speak the truth …

Courage is a virtue, that’s what gives you power to protect yourself, speak truth, and banish evil…

Also, ask all the attacks, curse, spells, go back to the attackers… Lol they should taste their medicine … Lol


I remember this. I think he doesn’t use any of his own audios because he is already powerful or… i have no idea.

You are also powerful as him… He is no different than you and me… Whatever else is in your mind all is made up…

Frankly, saying He started pretty good, I used to like this dude a lot… until I learned what side he has chosen and taking others in that road… I was shocked and surprised at the same time when I learn about it… But it is what it is… He is responsible for his choices and actions we are none to judge him… Whatever he is doing if he is aware or not will have consequences for him in the future no one can escape with the karma… As he has put thousands of people at risk … With all that shit he is involved in…

Don’t want to say anything more… As my intention is not to put down anyone …but to let everyone know about the truth so they decide themselves what they want …


@Genius Is there anything we can do on the forum? Although I think you can never regulate who gets into the forum.

What a coincidence, right? (Sarcasm).

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

@YellowFox Brother, I will give you the best advice to face it, I want you to really listen to it, okay, are you ready, YOU DON’T NEED THEM, yes, even if you are facing a serious health problem, you don’t need them, the fields never intended be a solution but people use them as such, come on man, I think you can see it, I felt that attachment to those fields believing that I needed them for everything, absolutely that never happened to me with Maitreya or other creators, the problem is the ego , you think you need to keep listening to those fields, it is not really like that, just continue with your life, besides, people have lived and died throughout millions of years of human life without needing any field, without needing any of that, just go ahead, most things are covered by maitreya if that’s what you’re worried about, the fact that you can’t stop using them I think is OBVIOUS that it indicates something.


But anyway, you are free to continue and see where those paths take you, we are not the protectors of the truth, we already gave our experiences, we are not one person in multi-accounts, we have real lives, I don’t need all this drama, I just I was hoping to help someone see beyond what they’ve been told, hell don’t even believe me or anyone else, question everything and everyone, live beyond what you believe, that’s expansion.

The same here, we are a unit, I don’t need to belittle anyone or anything, I’m out of this, what I should say, he said, peace.



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This guy doesn’t know what he is doing better to stay away … I would say…


Thank you for your words. However I’m working for my personal path and I want to tell you that just today I eliminated all the old playlists (and some mandalas). We can decide how we want continue. I know that I’ll stop to use those fields soon. But I have to recognize that when I used the first time the “Nullify planetary effects” magically a great weight was gone from my shoulders. Or when I used the heart field after I abused of cardio field to increase my performance (yes guys, If you play that field with boosters near a sedentary person, you can KILL him, so take care; but the same danger is for who use the Maitreya’s Alien implant removal near a person who has a pacemaker, so it’s in us the wise choice). What I have to say, I have to say. And I really think that old Sapien’s are good, but Maitreya’s energy is different.

Everything is okay and I know it will better.

But for real, Maitreya must do something for plants and animals. You will agree with me that this is not an ego request.


It’s good he no longer uses it but unfortunately I can’t trust him after what happened. There’s no way to truly verify it beyond your own spiritual means… although that would explain why the energy from his automated Pilates field (posted about a month ago on patreon I think) felt very different to his other fields posted several months ago and earlier. But his old work that includes those entities energy is still there to harm. If he had a conscious, he’d remove those ones or remake them. I did think he had good intentions for his work though, never thought he himself was bad but will still be avoiding.

Also, it seems it’s not as easy for him to cut off influence by his entities to his listeners if a mere mention of him on this thread & my experience triggered a psychic attack

I was actually wondering about energy/spiritual protection over the users although maybe beefing up invisibility against non-users would be great too, especially for this thread given its going to be more controversial in nature & we’d be discussing other creators here

It took me a while to realise I was having a trauma response over the discussion last night. I thought I was just stressed and used the wrong fields & reiki, they didn’t work :sweat_smile: once I realised it was a trauma response that was making me feel frozen, I used reiki & a field for it and everything melted away… ugh :sneezing_face:

Never used them before. How do they make their fields and what’s their energy source? I think I’m just going to stick to Sigh and Maitreya for good… between those 2 who I trust, I don’t really need anything more.


I never used Sigh, first skin I don’t like it. Many users told he tried to curse this forum and those fields are charged with bad intentions.
We must also be careful in trusting our feelings…

“It’s all relative - Albert Einstein”

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All forum and members have energetical protection that won’t allow attacks if some “smart ass” have such brilliant ideas. Don’t worry. I am thinking about everything. This mind is cosmic. :joy:


Lol wouldn’t it be great if I went around spreading misinformation like this about Maitreya like this? I could never. That’s not something I would ever do. But I see that there is a ton of misinformation about us being spread in this forum here all the time. Of course, things like this have been said about other channels in our ‘discussion for other channels’ thread but I have always pushed it away as much as possible. And well, dream has only mentioned channels blatantly stealing from us which… has actually happened and with much proof.

And you well… I’ll have to outright say it because I mean, you are over here spreading misinformation… But you were rather untrustworthy back when you used to ‘like sapienmed’. But we worked with you for some time and you did some IT work with us. Then you did some questionable things and Dream did not want to work with you anymore. He was already weary of you and you broke that trust. And well, ever since then, you’ve had a personal vendetta against sapienmed. So of course, in your mind everything that sapienmed does is evil or has hidden intentions or entities and whatnot.

Now, you don’t speak for me and dream. And nor does anyone here. If you have a question or concern, you can ask me. I’lll gladly answer. It isn’t exactly logical to just believe what other people say just because they’re saying it. For one, he’s making all these claims about our work but we have about 270k followers. And a very active following at that. If these claims were true, you’d be hearing a lot more about people having negative experiences with our work. A LOT more.

Now of course some people have negative reactions. Some people have negative reactions to maitreyas work but that doesn’t automatically equate to her work having evil fields within them. It’s just a matter of incompatibility.

All that said, I’m here to answer questions. I won’t be here long as I don’t want to be of disturbance. I am only here because a member of my forum showed me these posts and I would prefer to answer people’s concerns or claims rather than have people just blatantly spread them without any sort of pushback. I apologize to Maitreya for coming in here like this. My intention is not to be combative nor cause any uproar. I’ll keep it very civil and if you wish me to leave at any time, I will gladly do so. Thank you.


And chris, although I came at you the way I did, I also don’t mean you ill intention. I actually hope you’re doing fine and have grown insurmountably since we last spoke. You were growing then and whatever you did then, was no big deal to me. I don’t think you are a bad person nor did I ever. I saw potential in you and perhaps through Maitreyas work, you have flourished and are in a much better place. So blessings to you and may you continue to prosper in your own way.