Cord-cutting, and pesky folks who keep coming back

So… I do cord-cutting now and again for maintenance and to keep narcissists and other folks who have wounded me at bay. And I know an audio I used must work because a pesky obsessive ex-coworker has made contact again, six months after I said I don’t want to talk to them. I heard and read that cord-cutting is something the other party can often feel, which then prompts them to reach out and attempt to reestablish contact.

How can someone permanently yeet themselves out of someone else’s thoughts/lives? I’m sensitive to other people’s drama and BS and just desperately want to be left alone. OFc I mean to reaffirm my stance on the matter by telling them, ‘no more contact, go away’. But I could use some energetic help here, especially when we work for the same company (but not the same department) and know many of the same people.

Thanks, folks.

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Mmm…I remember that you have the Chameleon and Empath protection. Do they not work with them?

However I love hard approach when people dn’t respect myself (very few times and EVERYTIME i win over EVERYONE). Don’t be cute with this type of people, they don’t understand what is the line that can’t be crossed. If they don’t understand, you must explain that they have to stay away, clearly and decisively.

Sometimes I would use the GTFO DM, but in my situation my character is enough and avances. So, if you want to scare them, this DM is perfect, but only when they are coming to you and only for them and in that period of time, remember it if you don’t want have problems with others.

If you want a more diplomatic route I think that Stoicism field could be helpful to you. People are always embarrassed when logic takes over. Maybe add Leadership gene. Maitreya has a DM in the store, look at it. Or if you can’t take it, use Quadible’s field, if you like this creator.


Thanks very much for the food for thought. I was thinking about the GTFO DM, that is, if I see them in person sometime. But I’ve barred them from any contact by any means and left very firm, clear wording for them last night.

I did listen to Stoicism for over three months but I hadn’t noticed a change in my thinking - have to work on breaking down resistances first, I think.

Thanks again for the two cents!

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Sapiens medicine cord cutter in patreon gumroad or anywhere I’m not sure but this special version will allow you to cut the cords without people noticing or trying to re-establish the connection.

I feel pretty good so far - not sure how much is the field and how much is me feeling a little more empowered with the person blocked and this tool in my possession, but surely a little of both. Thank you for the suggestion!

For sure! After 5 months of Subconscious field I feel immediatly everything. In the contrary, I want to learn to be energetic sensible only when I want. But this will be another topic.

I wanna suggest also Angelic radiance of 12 hours. Sometimes I think it is more powerful than Magnetic sexual bundle (that includes Beautiful cloak, but stronger).

However, I tell you some nice tricks, only by thinking, that for me help a big amouth.
Start your day saying something like “Today it will be a perfect day, everyone will respect my will” believing in it, and before any field, think “this field will help me at the first seconds of playing”, always believing. It will not cost to you a cent. Try it and let me know. 10 days are required and you must insist.