Attraction Magnetic Sexual Bundle (FOR HIM)

Haha not even close! I’ve had very few things work for me and I’ve just incorporated muscle testing into my life which eliminates a lot of the guesswork and time wasting. Maitreya is actually the first energy fields that have ever worked for me! (assuming QI is more binaural/frequency based)
Maitreya’s fields gave me that little motivation and hope I needed to believe again. When you don’t see results it’s hard to keep going.

Spirituality zone

This is who have worked for me so far.

I hope this helps ppl


This is almost a perfect attraction field. That one part of it quoted above hamstrings it. Sorry Maitreya. There are some seriously fucked up people in this world. Interacting with them as though they love you can seriously fuck you up.

Or even actually being “loved” by this kind of person can be a very negative thing when they don’t actually “love” at all.

There are people you are much better off not being loved by.

Not just theory. I’ve used the field and seen this in action.

If you could change it to “women I’m attracted to love me” or something like that, it would be a big improvement.

(the above one if it’s a field that changes reality. the below one if it’s a programming into our own subconscious)

Or even “women I’m attracted to probably love me” so that we will be subconsciously led to go and find out if a particular woman does indeed love us, or if she’s just an exception to the rule.

I’d love to keep using this field but it’s too much of a sacrifice for me in its current state, even with as much benefit as it brings.


I did not use this audio, but I agree with the reasoning.

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It works great except for this 1 kink. I hope I don’t sound ungrateful to Maitreya. I just hope it can be improved.

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Based on what you said, the crux lies in the statement:

“Everybody loves you + Magnetism” as compared to “Everybody ‘loves’ you + Magnetism”

What if this field makes the fucked up people in the world become unfucked up such that they genuinely love you instead of “love” you? (I’m not saying this is the case, that’s for Maitreya to confirm or otherwise)


That would be the “Cause an entire fucked up planet to ascend” Field. Lol. I doubt that would be a subfield within the “I wish someone I liked liked me back” Field.

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I have used this field and as for what you say what you can do is ignore those people you do not want to have around or love you, I know what you mean and the best thing you can do is ignore them, you will see how eventually they will move away from you, another thing I would like to share is that you take great care with the telepathic seduction, at first it seems fun but believe me you can get into trouble with women, because you can have several behind you as has been my case, so I advise only think of the girl you like, careful with thinking of several women, this field is to use it with a lot of responsibility.


It is an amazingly life-beneficial field. It’s nice to think I may be able to work around a “bug” in the system rather than have to shelve it.

Now with Attraction Magnetic Sexual Bundle and Confident Sex Appeal, along with those two, if she ever creates Attract Best Love - Future Self Timeline, the way she created Attract Best Job - Future Self Timeline, I don’t think there would be anything more we could ever want or need in order to find and settle down with the “right” one.


@Atreides, she kind of already did:


Yes, kind of. And I’ll keep this one in mind. She did say somewhere in the comments section that a Attract Best Love - Future Self Timeline was to come. So I’ll keep my hopes up a little about that if you don’t mind. : )

Actually, I found what she said. This was posted in the Attract Best Job - Future Self Timeline audio. Not sure if she plans to create a bundle for Health, Happiness, Love, Prosperity and Success or if she would make separate fields for each.

The Soulmate audio was released about half of a year before this comment, just so you know.


Please elaborate on the last sentence.


if you mean how to use telepathic seduction, simply think of a girl with whom you somehow have some kind of contact, either a friend or an acquaintance who for example frequent some place you go often, a gym, high school, a nightclub etc and simply go generating a thought of love and attraction to that particular girl, the more intense and frequent that thought is, the more attraction it will generate on that girl, obviously it only works for girls that in some way, consciously or unconsciously feel interested in you, however it can also awaken attraction with random women, but not always with all of them, that is what I have been able to verify with this field.


that’s why I say that you have to be careful with this, because if you use this telepathic seduction for several women you could have several women falling in love with you and that from my point of view would not be ethical.


when i started with this, i thought it would only cause a simple change with telepathic seduction and accidentally made a girl fall in love with me so deeply that she wanted my attention all the time and even depended on it, it is better not to have someone who sends obsessed energies in you


How does the telepathic seduction even work? Does it happen automatically or do you have to actively do something or think about something and if so what?

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Do you know the girl?

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yes my ex girlfriend

Now this is getting interesting. Who broke up with who? If you don’t mind. I’m asking for science.

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seduction and telepathic influence happen passively all the time, when you think of a person, you are sending energy and that person will respond to it, whether it is hate or love


Can we listen to this while sleeping … overnight