Vegan Protein YT

Each listening contains 20 grams of protein, which is sourced from pea protein, flax seeds, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds. All their benefits are included through their frequency.

Youtube and Gumroad are with the same power.


People who already bought it on Gumroad can send me a message for exchange - other audio/mandala.

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Thanks for this field… Will work if i open x3 in 3 tabs??

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I really wonder how this works? I mean, how can the body generate so much protein out of thin air? For the synthetisation of the molucules, aren’t you still need to take in the physical materials through food?

Ki shen e jing?

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Nope, those are etheric/astral type energies. Not physical.

Besides that, turning physical energy into matter requires a ton of energy (E = mc² says it all).

astral energies can act in the physical, in fact this happens all the time, in any case Maitreya will be able to explain it better.

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The audio has the energetic signeture of the protine. You don’t have to generate anything it’s like energetic steroid


How many times can this be heard without causing an overdose?

Use it like you use real protein…I remember Milos Sarcev saying he was taking 500g of protein everyday when he was preparing for Mr.Olympia…So you can use this one maybe 5 times per day (100g of protein). That sounds fair + Real nutritients


For normal people 50g is enough for a day
Normally adults should consume 0.8g protine for per kg weight or 0.36 g per pound


Here no normal ppl😂


Didn’t know all are bodybuilders :thinking:

Nooo, is about superpowers🤩

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Yea true but i talk about athletes
1g per lbs of bodyweight is perfect

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The question is:

How many times can this be heard without causing an overdose?

How many times we can LOOP this field in one time

Im listening 3~5 times… Is will be better if Maitreya answer

I guess number of listening depends on how effectively one responds to the audio? If it was 100% effective for me, then 3 rounds would give me 20 gms. But if it is only semi-effective for me, may be I get only 5 gms per listen?


This depends from everyone’s personal needs.

weight minimal dose maximal dose
45 kg 63 g 150 g
57 kg 80 g 187 g
68 kg 95 g 225 g
79 kg 111 g 262 g
91 kg 127 g 299 g
102 kg 143 g 337 g
113 kg 158 g 374 g
125 kg 175 g 412 g

This includes of course the food you are eating.


Yes, fields correspond with the listener field and his abillity to change and needs. So it’s possible to have this effect.