The Bulk agent of the Golden Era - EXPERIMENTAL

1 listen = 500-700 kcal 80 grams of high quality carb sources (oats+Sweet potatoes) 40 grams of high quality protein (eggs and whey protein) 20 grams of high quality fats (olive oil and egg yolk) Auto-Workout of 16 basic exercises with the exact weight and reps 3 sets all 1 Lat Pulldown 120kg for 8-10 reps 2 Deadlifts 220kg for 8-10 reps 3 Barbell Squat 200kg for 8-10 reps 4 Barbell Bench Press 160kg for 8-10 reps 5 Military Press 100kg for 8-10 reps 6 Bent Over Rows 100kg for 8-10 reps 7 Dumbell Chest Flies 30kg for 12 reps 8 Machine Hack Squat 260kg for 12 reps 9 Barbell Curls 60kg for 10 reps 10 Dumbell Overhead Tricep Extensions 60 kg for 10 reps 11 Upright Row 45kg for 12 reps 12 Dumbells Rear delt raises 16-20kg for 12-15 reps 13 Dumbell Pullover across the Bench 40-45kg for 12-15 reps and all the effects of Dumbell pullover to Ribcage Expansion…​ 1 14 Machine Calf Raises 300kg-400kg for 8-10 reps 15 Ab Roller for 15-20 reps 16 Back extensions with 10-20kg plate for 15-20 reps All the effects of an intense workout for the Male body and myostatin inhibition High Pure Testosterone booster (Huge Effect like a real high dose testosterone shot) That boosted T will release slowly into the system to have high T levels almost all day / we can say a half life of 12 hours Testosterone biding immediately into the Androgen Receptors (Boosted and sensitive Androgen Receptors as effect of an intense workout) -Use positive environmental energy to give you a Supernatural Muscle growth for Chest , Traps , Back , Shouders , Arms ,Abs , Legs/Butt , Calves ,Forearms and Neck muscles (Increase both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers) -Use positive environmental energy to give you a Supernatural Strength (X5) -Ideal Hulky frame size , Ideal Muscle Thickness and Width , Ideal skeletal alignment and golden body ratio that will boost your muscle growth + ideal flexibility and auto stretching of the muscles you worked Estradiol levels at the lowest healthiest level for a natural athlete (Ideal 22-26 ng/dl) All other unwanted female hormones and estrogens decrease at the healthiest level (ideal) -Antioxidant protection , block all the environmental xeno-estrogens and plastic toxics , Make your body safe from all that environmental crisis Controlled number of estrogen receptors and lower sensitivity if needed at the level that can give only positive effects for Male body -Mechano growth factor (MGF) and Hgh for post workout recovery and muscle growth -Healthy heart and heart rate , regenerate heart area blood vessels and arteries if needed (Upgraded cardiovascular system with ideal health as result of intense training) -Promote Ideal health of Digestive system, Liver and kidneys (All 3 important for healthy hormones , ideal protein and other nutrients absorption without sides - Regeneration of that organs if needed) -Ideal increased energy levels and boosted endurance Stress hormones Control Training Aggression and Overall more Aggressive / Motivation for Workout and Healthy lifestyle Nervous system will support all that intense workouts and lifestyle without burnout (Ideal health and upgrade to a supernatural state) -Supernatural boosted nitrogen retention and protein synthesis -Huge pumps and water retention inside the muscles and only -Reduce Excess Unwanted Water from face , legs and stomach (between skin and fat) and cellulite reduction -All the nutrients of a good Bcaas supplement + Glutamine (If needed - ideal) -All the micronutrients and vitamins of the best Multivitamin supplement (for example Centrum multivitamin/multimineral for Men) -Extra Zinc = 30mg and Magnesium = 450mg (ZMA=2,4g) -Transform unwanted and unhealthy fat to Muscle cells formula and regeneration -Reduce blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity (Ideal healthy level) -Ideal metabolism -Transfer the macronutrients , micronutrients , vitamins and hormones that needed into the muscles for muscle growth - (*But also it will let your body transfer ideal dose of nutrients and hormones into other areas , organs or other bodyparts that need regeneration and healing) -Dna and Stem cells will support all that muscle growth , testosterone boost , growth hormomes and ideal health and recovery *Also cells will promote the ideal absorption of all the needed nutrients (Supernatural absorption and digestion) -Ideal and Absolute Health of the male body , No side effects due to excess hormones or nutrients and vitamins , Healthy male glands , endocrine system , prostate , genitals , heart , thyroid and all other organs and body parts.;


Experimental means nobody did tests for it. So let us know how your progress is going. :slight_smile:


@Maitreya this is not good for people trying to lose weight, right? What is best field for losing weight? Advices appreciated. :pray: :pray:

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There is a lot weight loss audios in channel. This is for gaining weight.


Letsssssss go!!! :smile: :muscle:t5:


:fire: :100:


Hey @Maitreya can you do the nutrients and micronutrients and vitamins and minerals in one field i will pay for this


Or each one in one field :pray::pray::pray:

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Thanks for this! Gonna add this to my stack when it comes on patreon.

Fire emoji

what happens if we listen 3 times ?! Will everything that the energy field bring will be multiplied by 3?

We still don’t know exactly how do you create matter in the body (nutrients, vitamin, hormones, etc.) … But congratulations on your achievements, this is a particularly interesting audio.

I imagine its not really necessary to combine it with the first weight gain audio as this one also promotes absorption and it adds hundreds of calories.

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My lord @Maitreya , you’re out here defining what limits are. You ma’am, you’re something else


I don’t even know what to say.

Never thought I would see something like this in a field


Right??? Haha now we need one for the nervous system!!! @Maitreya


The audio is less than 3 minutes long, :boom::zap:.
A special thank you for that :+1:
The energy is felt, work and effort has gone into this audio, cheers …


Oh My GOD!


1 time before gym 1 time after …
Feeling tingling…


Wow, that’s a lot of nutritional energy being delivered. It makes me wonder…

Combine this field with The Quantum Vacuum & Three Treasures fields and skip eating entirely?


I already need to eat a LOT less due to Quantum Vacuum & The Three Treasures fields.


Try and check


Maitreya, can we also use earphones please

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