Third Eye

Hey guy’s i have a question.

The last few months i was in neville goddard and learning visualization and now I’m at a point where I’m asking myself if my brain blocks the road.

I think due to my drug addiction years ago and now smoking cannabis daily(today is the first day I stop consuming) again i damaged my brain and the pineal gland.

Almost every sign from a blocked third eye and damaged pineal gland fit into me…

I cannot vivdly visualize, have no real direction in life, sure i have wishes as solutions for my day to day life problems, but feel pathless. Also i cannot recognize any guidance, from higher self, guards, angels or god. I tried with meditation and fields for that purpose for long. And my visualizations aren’t vivid, i can see a mental image in the back of my mind. But darkness when i look trough my closed eyes.

So my question is, are my problems due to a blockage or damaged 3rd eye/pineal gland?

I appreciate your opinions, have a nice day


Hey buddy,

Based on my personal experience, cannabis ruined my spirituality. Cannabis ruined my clarity, my sharpness of awareness, distorts information I received closes my heart. I used to smoke for few years thinking it’s making me spiritual, but it was always temporary shifts going inside my body and doing some magical stuff with the awakened energy but then when I’m sober there’s plenty of energy blockages everywhere that I have to resolve(back to mind and body consciousness) . And smoking really damaged my brain, it was hard to love my family genuinely and I hated most interaction thinking,It was a drag, nothing genuine just to get by type of conversation, dopamine fried as well. All in all I realized I was still stuck in my ego based mind because there was still a me wanting the smokes. So I gave up and it was the best decision I made.
And based on my observation, cannabis always brings me back to the lower 3 chakras. My guess is you will have to resolve ur addictive attachments and let your heart open little by little,then your eyes clarity will also open :grin::ok_hand:t3:

And maitreya’s field helped me alot during the journey to get back sober.

I used brain reset, dopamine receptor healing, eternal cleanser. It really helps alot please give it a try :smile:


I would recommend the same. Plus, Remove Guilt; you don’t need to feel that. Guilt and shame are often the main blockages for people.


Thank you for your answers! Appreciated :slight_smile:

Yes im listening to dopamine receptor healing and also two guilt audios, the one from mai and one from sapien.

At the moment I’m overwhelmed with giving up the smoke… Yesterday i failed🙈

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Have fun while you can my friend! When you truly enter spirituality , there’s no going back. Soo enjoy it and when Ur done it will be dropped automatically

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is it dough dough? or do do ? Lets start there.

Thanks again!

I think it would be easy for me alone to let go of cannabis, with the help of my toolkit absolutely. One to three days and it will be okay, but I’m not smoking alone here at home, that’s what it makes hard and I myself am most of the time enjoying this one j in the evening. But it will fuck up my brain chemicals and receptors and I believe that it will lower my results related to imagination and connection and I don’t like these two points. Hmm, will find a solution for that soon!

@Nexus what do you mean? :smiley:

your name on here. Dodo?

Ahh i see🙈

Yes Dodo is my nickname in this world

This morning i tought about something. A result of smoking Cannabis i really love is that I’m laughing from my heart, about small funny things easily. And that is something I am not experiencing when I’m in normal mode. There must be very, very stupid or clumsy things (which rarely) happen that i get an more intense laugh than just haha and smiling.

That’s something im missing in my life for long.