The Bulk agent of the Golden Era - EXPERIMENTAL

Yeah you can use earbuds

All the side effects regarding the hair due hormones are included as well, right? :slight_smile:

Would a “Golden Era Athletism field” be an option as well?

All the best!!! Thank you for your effort!!!

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Just tell me if the testosterone will affect hair or skin? Don’t want to lose my existing hair dear

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Tried 3x and I liked it.
More energy and felt my muscle working.


I don’t go to a gym.
I guess I will get very good results anyway.


Yeah…This isnt gonna work @Maitreya

WAAAAAY to many sub-fields, like WAAAAAY too many.

The person who requested this should snap out of fairy land and come up with some more “efficient” requests.


If this experiment works. We can request maitreya any excercise of our choice to autimate them.


@TheDarKnightofLight requested it detaily

that was a stupid request… dont get offended , listen first

i dont know wether maitreya knows this or not ( also i am not sure either ) but the thing is i think its not possible to get carbs , proteins and fats from a audio , jst imagine if it works then 4 listens would mean 2000+ cal , if that would work , would you be ever feel the need to eat food, cause then you will be eating throung audios ,
does that makes sense ??

A healthy mind wouldn’t…


Is it possible to eat only light, because it would not be possible to obtain proteins and carbohydrates by audios?

Thats not really the problem.

We are in a 3D hologram if you go down that train of thought.

The problem isnt possible or not, because everything is possible.

The problem is the amount of subfields.

Greek god beauty also has a ridiculous amount of subfields, which doesnt mean it wont work, its simply gonna take too long.

Look at the beard one.

Its minimal, simple and thats why it works so well (Ive seen amazing improvements over just 3 days)

So yeah, @Maitreya

Slow down with the subfields lol, its also gonna give your channel a bad look because people will ridicule it and say its a scam.

Again, this could work, but its just too much information for a 3 minute field.

@TheDarKnightofLight The fuk are you smoking btw? Gimme some


:rofl: :rofl:

if you get it , throw one out here


you see, IF THE AUDIO WORKS, and u listen 3-4 times , u got your maintence calories , wat else will u eat ??? , its illogical…

so , eat right , eat what u were eating …

if u want to listen , then listen its your choice but dont compromise anythinggg

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It is an experiment to know if it will work or not, it is normal that there are doubts, because seeks to experiment to know if it will work.
And if it works, great for people who have difficulty eating or gaining weight. And the rest should not use it because it is not for other people.


What improvements have you seen on the beard field?!

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The usual beard benefit :

Look like a psycho caveman hunter

Its great :smiley:


I will listen to you and stop listening greek god beauty. I will listen to Grow Taller to see faster result. Thanks for that advice.


Mr. Josh? You are here. You seem to be in everywhere.

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Wise comments.