Subconscious Connecter & Programmer Basic Beliefs

Hi guys,

I’ve read through pages and pages of discussion about the Orginal Subconscious Programmer and then the new Subconsious Connecter. I just wanted to add some foundational manual core beliefs for new people to start with. Of course, a lot of you are using some limit removal audios alongside these tools and trying to automate the process, which is great. However, I do believe sometimes you have to start manually and very basic. Start with solid foundations.

I’m a therapist… I work with limiting beliefs all day. These are the most basic core limiting beliefs most humans have.

I have taken the time to write out this list for everyone to use with their Sub Programmer or sub Connecter. Yes, it’s a tedious process, but let’s face it, you have had 20,30 or in my case more than 40 years of bad programming built-in that needs to be reset and deleted.

Of course, I could have written pages and pages and pages. But I’m going to just leave it at this.

Basic Self Concept Beliefs - Foundational Core beliefs

Delete - I am not loved
Install - I am loved - I am lovable - I have always been loved - I am lovable as I am right now
I am believing that I am loved - I am knowing that I am loved - I am trusting I am loved

Delete - I don’t feel loved
Install - I feel loved and supported

Delete - I am not allowing myself to be loved
Install - I am allowing myself to be loved

Delete - I am not accepting myself to be loved
Install - I am accepting that I am loved

Delete - I don’t love myself
Install - I love myself - I am loving myself - I am loving myself more and more every day

Delete - It is not safe to love
Install - it is safe for me to love

Delete - It is not safe for me to be loved
Install - it safe for me to be loved

Delete: I don’t feel safe and secure
Install: I feel safe and secure - I am safe and secure I have always been safe and secure

Delete: I am not wanted -
Install: I am wanted - I am always wanted
I am believing I am wanted, I am knowing that I am wanted, I am trusting I am wanted

Delete: I am not chosen -
Install: I am chosen - I am always chosen - I am choosing myself
I am believing I am chosen, I am knowing that I am chosen, I am trusting I am chosen

Delete: I am not important -
Install: I am important - I have always been important
I am believing I am important - I am knowing I am important - I am trusting that I important

Delete: I don’t matter -
Install: I matter - I matter to everyone
I am believing I matter - I am knowing that I Matter - I am trusting that I matter

Delete: I am not worthy
Install: I am worthy, I am more than worthy
I am believing that I am worthy - I am knowing that I am worthy - I am trusting that I am worthy

Delete: I am not deserving
Install: I am deserving - I am more than deserving
I am believing that I am deserving - I am knowing that I am deserving - I am trusting that I am deserving

Shortened examples to go on with : (I can’t be bothered writing them all out)

Delete: I am not worthy to love
Delete: I am not worthy of love
Delete: I am not worthy to be loved
(repeat all Install items (opposites of delete beliefs - you know the drill by now - Believe, know and trust)

Delete: I am not worthy of my desires
Delete: I am not worthy of being (insert whatever you want) Wealthy, Wise, Abundant, successful etc…
(repeat all Install items - Opposites then the Believe, know and trust ones)
Repeat the process for: I am not deserving … to love, of love, to be loved etc…

Others :

Delete: I am not respected, Noone respects me - I am dis-respected
Install: I am respected, I am always respected, Everyone respects me
I am believing I am respected - I am knowing respected - I am trusting I am respected

Delete: I don’t respect myself
Install: I fully respect myself - I am respecting myself - I am self-respecting

Delete: I am not valued - Noone values me
Install - I am valued - I am valuable - Everyone values me - I am always valued
(do believe, know and trust)

Delete: I don’t value myself
Install: I am valuing myself - I value myself

Delete: I am not appreciated - Noone appreciates me
Install - I am appreciated - Everyone appreciates me - I am always appreciated
( Do the believe - know and trust ones)

Delete : I don’t appreciate myself
Install : I am appreciating myself - I appreciate myself - I am self appreciating

Delete: I don’t believe in myself
Install : I believe in myself - I am believing in myself

Delete: I am not supported
Install: I am fully supported - I am always supported - I am fully supporting myself
I am believing I am supported - I am knowing I am supported - I am trusting I am supported

Delete : I don’t trust myself
Install : I trust myself - I am trusting myself

Delete: I am not seen, heard or validated
Install: I am seen, heard and validated

Delete : I am not acknowledged
Install: I am acknowledged, I am acknowledging myself

Delete : I am not a priority
Install : I am a priority, I am always treated as a priority

Also, do :

Delete: it is not safe for me to been seen
Install: It is safe for me to be seen

Delete: It is not safe for me to be heard
Install: It is safe for me to be heard

Delete: It is not safe for me to be validated
Install: It is safe for me to be validated

Let me know how you go.


Basic Love Core Beliefs not Included above

Some love programs we run…

Delete: Love has to be drama-filled
Install: Love is unconditional - Love is easy - I am easy to love. It is easy to love

Delete: Love can be taken away
Install: Love is unconditional - Love is easy - I am easy to love. It is easy to love. Love is always there for me. I am always loved.

Delete : Love is conditional
Install: Love is unconditional - I am unconditionally loved

Delete: I feel abandoned by Love
Install: I am loved - I am always loved - I have always been loved.

Delete : I have no luck in love
Install: I have luck with love - I am lucky with love - Love is easy - I am easy to love It is easy to love

Delete I suck at love
Install: I am great at love - I am easy to love - I love easy - Love is unconditional

Delete: I am neglected by Love
Install: I am loved - I am always loved - I have always been loved.

Delete : Love is painful
Install: Love is easy - Love is painless - Love feels good - I feel good about being loved.

Delete: Love is a burden or I feel a burden to love
Install: Love is easy - Love feels good - I am love - I am easy to love - I love easy - Love is unconditional - I unconditionally love and accept myself

Install :I give and receive love freely and effortlessly
Install: I can receive love for just being me
Install :I can attract whatever love I desire easily and effortlessly
Install: I attract, loving nurturing relationships
Install : I am open to receive love in all areas of my life
Install: I am fearless when it comes to love


And lastly just some other random ones

Delete: I don’t get what I want
Install: I always get what I want

Delete: Nothing works out
Install: Everything works out for me

Delete: Nothing goes my way
Install: Everything always goes my way, everyday.

Delete : Life is a struggle
Install : Life is easy, Everything is easy

Delete : I can’t control my thoughts
Install: I am always fully in control of my thoughts

Delete: Nothing is working on me
Install: Everything is working on me if I intend it

Delete: Nothing works on me (yes… working and works - sub is picky sometimes)
Install: Everything works on me if I intend it

Delete: Morphic Fields don’t work for me (or on me)
Install: Morphic Fields work on me, they are 100% effective instantly

Delete: Subliminals don’t work on me
Install: Subliminals always work on me, they are 100% effective if I intend it

Delete: Mandalas don’t work with me
Install: Mandala’s always work on me, they are 100% effective

Delete: I don’t feel the mandala’s working
Install: I can feel the Mandala’s working, I always know when my Mandala’s are working

Delete: There’s always a time delay with my manifestations
Install: My Manifestations are Instant

I can go on for hundreds more, but I will stop for now. xx Good Luck


These are so helpful - Thank you!!

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Thank you so much. This is very helpful for me. I have literally every bad belief from this topic in my head

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Very thorough post, thank you.

When I went through my process of manually installing beliefs a while ago, I included these additions which I found to be particularly powerful & effective:

“I am supposed to”
“I am accepting”
“I am allowing”


Thank you for your work :slight_smile:

Hi, I am enjoying doing this work. I didn’t spend much time on this before as I was distracted and had to do other things. Then I forgot to go back to this. Can you put in here or show me a good place to get some abundance and money beliefs that I can use right away? I am like living paycheck to paycheck and I got bills to pay and it’s been hard to get out of this cycle. I really appreciate if you or anyone can help with that.