Spiritual field (the one that you will use everyday)

Which fields you will use everyday for ascension or awakening?

Previously, I used heavily on Universal cleansing, Eternal Cleaner on all levels, Great Compassion Mantra and Healing Chamber.

My condition is my right brain (which controls left body) and right side of body are still heavily blocked. That’s why I am asking for ideas on overcome this obstacles.

Thank you for sharing!

I am a huge fan of Antahkarana and Art of Letting go. There are many big hitters amongst all of Maitreya’s field, these two are just close to me.


Thank you. I am listening to antahkarana now. By track description, it seems to be a very important track for getting connection to a higher self( I am working on this still).

Thanks so much for the sharing!

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlkAd9-u8_Y Divine Invocation is one of my favourites. I meditated with this field many times when I was trying to overcome some blockages. I simply asked the Creator to remove everything from me that stopped my soul’s evolution. I keep it as mandala all the time, but use audio with the intention.

Awakening the God Series is my top1 as for fields. Those mandalas are very strong and allowed me to discover my hidden skills and step by step is stripping down everything that is not a part of my true self.

No2 The Art of Utilization. I use it for normal human stuff like learning and skills needed, but I also downloaded my knowledge about energy and my powers from all other incarnations. I even downloaded psychology from the future to be able to understand human behaviour better :smiley:


If you don’t mind, I’d love to know more about your experience with the
Awakening the God Series. Thank you in advance!

I was scared of that field, to be honest. I had it on and off in my Manager but didn’t actually meditate with it. This and Queen of Thrones.
I was afraid of my own potential and my powers.
See, to integrate your talents, you need to face your shadow side, and I felt this field would push me to that. When I finally found the courage to do so and started to meditate with this field, it was really rough. Nights full of nightmares, visions and I think I had two Dark Nights of the Soul one by one. Madness. I felt like I am losing my mind (awakening level 1000), my physical body suffered from transformation, too.
Was it worth it? Oh yeah! I will use this field for the rest of my life, lol. I’m slowly getting to the point where I start to really remember who I really am. It’s been lifetimes since I could say it. I’m amazed and terrified at the same time :smiley:


Thank you for sharing. The music of Divine Invocation is very ‘new age’. Very cool music. I don’t feel much about the energy though.

For Awakening God Part 1 or 2, i actually have these tracks few years ago. I have some sensation at the beginning, but after listening part 1 for a month, i haven’t achieved any break through and i stopped.

I listened to part 1 and 2 tonight. Part 1, stil have no sensation, but for part 2, i felt my heart at the middle of the chest stopped ‘vibrating’. So i start to listen to that more.

The Art of Utilization is new to me. I will research on that! Thank you!

Awaken God part 2 sounds like a zen track, based on the description (And at highest level, one can take his mind to “Zero though state” where your mind is completely zero without any thought.) This is what I am working on in last 6 years!

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Wooo! Thanks for sharing! i will print out the mandala and put it on my neck! Maybe I will start with part 2.

I used part 1 over one month few years ago but not having any breakthrough. I may start to part 2 this time.

I used both simultaneously, because I’ve been working with energy for years using various methods.

Read descriptions, and it might give you clue where your blocks are. If part two seems to working and is related to the power of your mind and psychic gifts

You might have less resilience in your subconscious mind.

Part 1 is a connection with the Higher Self and ancestors. And here you might have more blocks, maybe contracts, maybe vows from past lives. I think you will feel deeply which one is the case. You can set the intention to the field to focus all the energy on what you feel might be the biggest blockage.

I’ve been re-learning that recently. It was painful at the beginning :slight_smile: Literally, my brain hurts, lol. Now, I seek that place often. It still cannot last longer than a few minutes :no_mouth: 6years sounds very impressive!


Thank you Polaris. I read your reply multiple times, and i have tried to practise a few days before reply.

I still feel nothing for Part 1, except maybe occasionally some drizziness.

May I know what do you mean less resilence in subconscious mind at your last reply?

You might have less resilience in your subconscious mind.

resilience / noun /

  1. The ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune; buoyancy.
  2. The property of a material that enables it to resume its original shape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed; elasticity.
  3. The act of springing back, rebounding, or resiling.

Part 1 is a connection with the Higher Self and ancestors. And here you might have more blocks, maybe contracts, maybe vows from past lives. I think you will feel deeply which one is the case. You can set the intention to the field to focus all the energy on what you feel might be the biggest blockage.

Yes, i barely feel my intuition…needless to say about higher self. I tried higher self connection that track for many times, but just felt nothing. My master said i am a frog in a well…very low realm. I felt heart broken when he said that, but my reality is that i spent a lot of effort but is fruitless.

I know there is a series of new chakra mandala that also clears vows, but i have trouble to connect with field through mandala (i am still improving on my visualization)(also i have a very tight budget as i am on debt, but luckily i finally get a labour job in a warehouse. Hence finance may improve soon). besides that series, is there any track you can recommend on my case?

I have tried ’ Releasing Vows and Old Soul Contracts That No Longer Serve You
but again i felt nothing.

sorry to bother you even though you gave me so much hints. But it seems like vows or contracts are not something i can remove based on universal cleansers or eternal cleaners.

Thank you so much!

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Resilience to changes means your subconscious mind holds tight to beliefs. Some people might find it easier because they are more flexible, but it might be harder for those who tend to have fixed opinions. People who are religious for example, would be afraid to step out of the box. I was raised and conditioned as a Catholic. It took me years to break through that limitation. I remember when I went to my first tarot reading. I was so drawn, so curious. Then I felt scared that I would go to hell because magic is forbidden and evil.

People can have opinions, but it should never affect your self-worth. Spiritual journey is different for everyone. Some people need years and do it slowly, and that’s okay. Do not compare yourself with others, as we all have different backgrounds, limitations and past lives. I think you might really benefits from the Blueprint Series, including mental, etheric and emotional.

New chakras series has audio as well. Fingers crossed for your job and quick recovery. Don’t pressure yourself with spirituality when your body is in pain. Give yourself a lot of self-care, attention, recover. It is hard to ascend when your physical body is out of balance. Maybe the Universe is giving you the opportunity to learn how to look after yourself.

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