SBC: High Witcher

Here is just one thing I use the Witcher for that has proven to work every time. Before I go to sleep I activate the field and tell it to create the energy to make me fall asleep instantly. Within 10 minutes or less I am out like a light. There have also been times where my mind was racing a bit more than usual and the field cleared out the mind chatter and I was sleeping like a baby in moments.

I have yet to fully confirm the other operations but should have more info soon. This is my second month using the field and I can for certain say that it has massive potential. I have tested it with attraction energy and it was insane the amount of attention I received. Women literally throwing themselves at me lol. Not Rockstar panty throwing but pretty damn close. Certain times they were actually pretty aggressive with their advances HA!

I use Dragon Servitors now as well for certain things but I can tell you that if you just want an intelligent energy field that will do pretty much whatever you desire within the parameters of the field restrictions then you should try the Witcher. Keep in mind that I personally have no limits and few blocks if any when I do energy work. This allows me to obtain results quickly. Others may not experience this level of efficiency but over time as you use the field to remove things you will become a master at working with the Witcher.