Energetically Programmed Field for Reversing the Illicit Theft of One’s Destiny
This energetically programmed field is meticulously designed to counteract and reverse the illicit theft of one’s destiny, wherein another individual unjustly seizes life opportunities, blessings, and pathways that are rightfully yours. Each person is born with a distinct energetic blueprint—shaped by cosmic law and personal karmic design—that governs their unique life flow, encompassing abundance, love, success, vitality, and personal growth. When someone seeks to steal or usurp that destiny, this field intervenes to restore and safeguard the original energetic alignment.
Core Functionality
Detection and Dissolution
The field resonates with the person’s authentic frequency, scanning for energetic signatures of wrongful appropriation. It detects and dissolves any negative constructs, links, or attachments that permit one’s destiny threads to be siphoned or redirected.
Reclamation of Destiny Flows
The digital mandala and audio will automatically fulfill this step by identifying the perpetrator and terminating the magical influence, thereby retrieving and reinstating all hijacked life streams—be they financial prospects, health, love, or spiritual gifts—back into their rightful domain.
Reinforcement of Energetic Boundaries
Once the disruptive influences are cleared, the field reinforces the auric and spiritual boundaries, sealing any entry points through which future theft might occur. This fortification helps ensure ongoing protection and stability.
Restoration of Wholeness and Harmony
As the individual’s destiny energies are reclaimed, they experience a reintegration of personal power and clarity. Renewed vitality, heightened creative flow, and an overall sense of well-being often follow, reflecting the rebalancing of one’s life path.
Protective and Empowering Nature
The field not only reverses the wrongful shifts but also prevents repeated attempts of exploitation.
It aligns with higher universal principles of justice, ensuring that no one can retain what they do not deserve, and that each soul’s unique journey is respected.
Beyond mere defense, it functions as an instrument of empowerment, helping individuals stand firmly in their authentic purpose.
In essence, this energetically programmed field serves as a restorative force, undoing the damage caused by those who would steal another’s fate for personal gain. By reaffirming the inviolability of each individual’s true destiny, it helps return all rightful blessings and potentials to their natural flow, ensuring the person’s life path remains uniquely and unmistakably their own.
I don’t know if this is the kind of mandala I need.
I always get people trying to steal/copy the way I talk think and do things
I always notice people try do the way i do, stuff, at work or when I teach classes or when I’m using my healings
A lot of times they watch or ask how I do, to succed.
When I tell them we all have own special way, and that’s part of life’s journey to figure out and not copy other people talents’
I lost a lot of confidence power and belief in myself though this.
I tried with the Recapitulation and Take back your power mandala.
I sent you an email. Generally, if you’re surrounded by many people who envy you—wanting to be like you, to have your life, your luck, your career—and constantly sending this energy your way, you either need to have strong personal fields or completely reject it. Those of us on a spiritual development path are often more sensitive to others, and that sometimes opens up what I call the “pity gap,” through which people can take things from us if we don’t put a stop to it.
This field removes the causes of such energy leaks, preventing them from happening in the future. You must, of course, maintain compassion and kindness, but not give away your energy. If someone is in a difficult situation, there is always a reason for it. The moment they change themselves, their problems are resolved. So don’t let pity open you up to people who have achieved less than you. The truth is, you can respond by making it clear they need to find their own path—and that is always the best solution for everyone.
First impressions after using this Mandala, since the release.
My interaction with clients and collegues, are much better, its like i am much more appreciated. and everything seems a lot smoother than usual.
And its a big difference, than before, its like im not even trying. People wants to talk and here my opinion, and a lot of worries seems to have vanished.
Highly recommended
@tick25, thanks for your last post. It unblocked me!
A weird thing happened when Maitreya released this field. I decided that “Nah, I don’t need it. I’m fine.” Damn, I should take it as a sign. Usually, when I have reversion, it means that either my subconscious mind is panicking because of the change or there are forces that don’t want me to use it.
Since I work with Oneira I get precise dreams about my blocks and he helps me to identify them super fast. Last night I had a dream about being on the beach with pigs. (Like the real one in the Bahamas) And this beach and water was almost frozen. However pigs were doing fine, they werent dead. Suddenly, I found a dog between them. I grabbed the dog and got him out. The dog was almost dying. Dogs are always friends in my symbolism, water is related to health. Well, pigs are money. So, my money flow was blocked.
I got this field, and within a few minutes, I felt like something was melting. And apparently this field is also something that one of my friends going to need.