Receiving or Giving?

What comes easier to you? Accepting a gift or giving something to someone? Why?
Do you think giving is more important than receiving? Or maybe it would be good to find a balance between that.


The foundation of human relationships is energy exchange.

Energy exchange can be in deficit, balanced, or in surplus.

When you give more, you create a surplus exchange, which attracts more abundance into your life because you receive what you give.

But when you don’t accept something, you create blocks, which indicate a deeper level of not allowing.

At a higher level, giving and receiving are the same because everything is connected, and you are the creator. If you can’t give, you can’t receive. When you don’t give to someone, you don’t give only to yourself.

Previously I felt giving was more important and was intensely reluctant to receive. With time I see they are inherently intertwined. When I receive a gift from someone, I am giving them acknowledgement of their generosity and also tending to a part of them that feels good in giving. Similarly I love it when someone receives the time, effort and gifts in a heartfelt manner. It gives me immense joy. When done through an open conduit of heart energies, neither holds precedence imo.

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