You could use the mandalas manager DM or the range increaser DM to increase the range of all DM.
I’m sure this question has already been asked, but can the patreon audios be downloaded?
Will results eventually become permanent for fields that are not stated to be temporary?
Most of the fields get permanent
Can I ? is it legal?
very well, thanks!
Bluetooth speakers work properly?
Bluetooth/Car/whatever speakers, work 100%
I have a friend who wants to divorce but the partner doesn’t want and seems is making things complicated, the one who wants to divorce want to have a good relation with the other always, but the partner don’t want to divorce like keeping the other forever and seems don’t see that they can have a good relationship after divorce being free, and even after always talking there is no way to make change the mind the one who doest wants to divorce. I want to recommend some field to my friend, after have tried with cutting negative cords, which seems not working…
Any tips?
There are many, many fields designed to heal issues with relationships. Just a few:
The point is i dont see the person who will use the field is the one who has any issue, if was that then would be easier, and with the thing of free will…the other person can keep the same toxic behaviour…Or im missing something…
Maybe the obstacles destroyer? As i saw maitreya commented 3 karmic people left thanks to it…
Relationships are far more intertwined than that. There is never 100% blame on the other, 100% innocence on the self. If you truly want what is best, then healing is the goal. With healing comes results that are best, which doesn’t necessarily mean the result you have decided you want ahead of time.
Does your friend want what is best, or do they want to get their way? If the former, use the mandalas. If the latter, I’m not aware of anything that will help with that. Such is the way of things…
One want to divorce but the other part no, so there is the main issue, one thinks is best do it and the other think is best not to do it, both have their reasons…
By my point of view if i am with someone that is not fine with me why i want to keep holding that person? IMO i would let the other free instead to try change them… But im not here to judge, i just would like to help this friend, maybe is good idea focus first on inner-healing and maybe later this person can see more clearly the situation, altho is not something that is new but took it years for decide to divorce.
I Have a question here I would assume that “Release Parasites;Physical & Energetic” would also REALLY help with killing off Candida and its related cohorts ,as well? What say you? Any feedback? thanks ahead of time !! Mean it:-)
definitely will help
Thank you sooo kindly this is encouraging , to say da least!! I am utilizing diet, herbal remedies and a wholistic approach over all and in general with this type of Mandala ( when I get it the next week or so!) MY question is,I was looking at flash drives for the specific purpose of downloading the Mandala’s into it,for the purpose of activating them and having thier effects ,affect Me while they’re in the flash drive. Do I absolutely have to have a field emitter or the lke for the Mandala’s for healing to work,if I put them in the flash drive? MY printer is slam out of ink and it cost almost as much to get a new ink cartriage as it does for the dog gone printer. A flash drive is 5 ,15 or 20 bucks.
Will the Mandala’s still work Like that though? Im new here. thanks.
Thank you sooo kindly this is encouraging , to say da least!! I am utilizing diet, herbal remedies and a wholistic approach over all and in general with this type of Mandala ( when I get it the next week or so!) MY question is,I was looking at flash drives for the specific purpose of downloading the Mandala’s into it,for the purpose of activating them and having thier effects ,affect Me while they’re in the flash drive. Do I absolutely have to have a field emitter or the lke for the Mandala’s for healing to work,if I put them in the flash drive? MY printer is slam out of ink and it cost almost as much to get a new ink cartriage as it does for the dog gone printer. A flash drive is 5 ,15 or 20 bucks.
Will the Mandala’s still work Like that though? Im new here. thanks ahead of time.
Field Emitter is required to use a flash drive. However, if printing isn’t available, all mandalas can be used digitally. Making them your phone background is a common choice.
Even when the screen is goes DARK? THANK YOU By the way!!