New Release: Win Lottery and Attract Money

It will continue to work, don’t worry.

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@Polaris I didn’t manage to buy this mandala (Win Lottery & Attract Money) when it was on sale. I thought it might not be a good idea to focus on winning the lottery or money, and that I should first work on other areas of my life. So, I downloaded the track before the Patreon page was closed. Does it make sense to use it? Or why was the mandala removed from sale, as well as the video from YouTube? If you can, of course, comment on this. :blush:

Thank you!

You can use audio, it will work for sure.

I don’t have information about it.

My personal opinion about winning the lottery is that people often limit themselves. My dad is a great example of saying, "When I win, I will go there, buy this, or do that…"I know many people who don’t chase their dreams, but wait to win a jackpot. They get frustrated, angry, disappointed. You have big plans, big ideas and yet no money. So what do you create? It’s a reality where you can only go to Maledives as a millionaire who won the jackpot, not a millionaire who started a business and worked for those millions.

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@Polaris Can I just place an audio file in the folder with MMv2 and will it work as well?

And thank you for sharing your thoughts from your life about achieving goals, very interesting!

You need this DM: The Field Emitter (Digital Mandala Manager) for audios. I personally prefer playing audios and work with them.

is there a boosted version so i can listen offline


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