New experiences with new dm's (physical change )

7 Master glands - extremly strong***
Mitchocondria perfect - just perfect :white_heart:

Few weeks of using :
Damn im more energetic
*My metabolism became perfect
*I feel less hungry
*I sleep better
*Im more focus
*And I lost few kilo’s :sunglasses:
*My sugar processing is perfect!!

Im using “Universal clearing” daily , so it covers"a detox but in higher realms :pray:


Thank you for sharing! :smiley: Did you have a healing crisis?

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Actually yes i had .
I felt sick after longer detox
for a while, and felt cold after .

Once i forget the master glad for an hour in my emitter , that was bad. xd
*Most of the detox was in the
also better funcsion for the thryoid

The mitochnodria feels like completing the
Deigestive , exocrine systems dms

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