Maitreyas and teams opinion on video games

As I have become more aware of the “more than meets the eye” aspect of life, I was wondering what kind of energetic or eggregor effects video games have.

I read somewhere here on the forum that watching porn connects to all kinds of negative energetic things but what about video games?

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I would say that playing video games create a somewhat negative impact on how the consciousness and the emotional system operates. For example it could increase reactivity and stress response of the body, especially if the game is very fast paced. There are other consequences around the ergonomics of playing games for long hours on end, for example by using a mouse and the tension and torsion it puts on the hand using the mouse and the rest of the body. Plus looking at at a screen and the eye staccades associated with different targets would cause some stress related issues. Different games also have different fields created by the players who play the games. One would become more like the culture of a gaming community, whether it be positive or more toxic.

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Woah :open_mouth: , thanks for the info packet reply.

And by all means, if anybody else on maitreya has anything to add, be my quest.

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TV, the Internet, video games, porn, everything, was created to brainwash humanity, but on the other side, if not the Internet, we couldn’t chat right now and share our experiences. In movies, they tell us the truth, and sometimes, movies can be uplifting and have a good influence on you because you can decide to change your life.

Porn teaches us about dark aspects of sexuality that have existed before and just became more and more extreme.

Video games plug you in and can suck out your energy and can make you numb. Depending on what you play, because you might play a game that will wake up a hero inside of you, but it’s just a part of isolating you from the world. TV keeps people at home, porn away from intimacy, and gaming gives you the illusion of interacting with other people online, but it’s not real. Another aspect is for your subconscious everything is real. Your fantasies are real, dreams are real, and you killing zombies is real.
I played a lot in PS, especially Assasin’s Creed, I just love it, but back then I wasted hours in a fake reality instead of walking my dogs. Thank God, my ex got pissed and sold it.

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Don’t play at League of Legends

Oh No Lol GIF by League of Legends

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Great reply. These comments make it really easy to give up gaming completely.

Hi Polaris! Thanks for our insight, very interesting. I really enjoy some anime, shows, films and video games @_@ but this just gave me an idea.

What about using the Subconscious Connector to tell our subconscious that what we are seeing or playing is fiction and not real, and also to absorb only values and lessons presented in those works which are in line with our higher purpose and to block everything else?

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I really enjoy MMORPG games, and sometimes I play them, but I was disappointed by my last game because I had been developing a character for about a year, and they decided to shut down the server.

This gives me development in perseverance and patience, which is quite lacking in my life and something I’ve been trying to learn all my life. My temperament is sometimes very fiery, and because of that, I have problems, so simulations like these games have given me improvements in that area.

I improved my clairvoyance and clairaudience with Counter-Strike. I often got banned for the reason of “hacking.”

Strategic games like chess are also wonderful. There are also games that are for improving cognitive abilities so that one can keep their mind alert and in condition.

Overall, I think one can derive many great benefits from games and develop qualities, skills, abilities, alertness, and many others within themselves.

That’s the positive side.

There are games that convey very bad messages, and beliefs, and I’ve even encountered some that have programmed direct black magic in them (I won’t mention names).

Games are also associated with the shadow of a person, and when we add to that the fact that the subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between game/thought/reality, things can get pretty bad for someone because they can do immoral things, normal for them.

I believe that if a person is intelligent and mindful enough, and above all knows why they are playing the game - what they gain from it, there shouldn’t be a problem in using them.

Games sometimes provide tranquility and a way for a person to disconnect from their own game and simulation, which can have the effect of going to an SPA. :slight_smile: It relaxes the mind, and then the person can continue in their own life and simulation without getting lost in false realities.


I see I see, there’s many different viewpoints presented. Others give pretty undisputable facts about the negatives. I personally have been weaning off from gaming simply because how they make me feel, the disconnection of reality was the sole purpose of why I started gaming because of my dysfunctional childhood and nowadays, as I’m recovering, being disconnected from reality feels really iffy for me, like almost anxiety inducing

But I also see the point @Maitreya made that games can act as a relaxant, like going to a spa, it’s just the right games to play I suppose. But I do tend to lean towards Polaris’s case where she feels she could have done much healthier things instead of gaming and that’s what I’m feeling also, like time is slipping away when gaming.

What comes to the black magic, there’s some games that do make me feel weird so I’ll just don’t play them, but then again not being as well versed on these matters, I could have gotten all kinds of curses from games and wouldn’t have noticed it.

There’s also scientific case to be made how gaming prevents progress. In brain scans they have found that when you game your dopamine circuitry is active and when the dopamine circuitry is active, the emotional pain circuitry shuts down. So games can make you avoid processing emotional issues because of this.

All in all, gaming seems to be more of a weapon against us kinda like @Polaris hinted. More bad than good that is to say.

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I really liked playing solitaire on Windows 3.0 :upside_down_face:

Thats crazy :rofl: I’d be mad though

I like playing video games because it’s a moment of relaxation, it’s even nostalgic, I agree with Maitreya opinion, it has a positive side

It’s nostalgic for me because when I remember the “games” I remember all the good times that playing online gave me, meeting virtual friends, good music and soundtracks, lots of laughs

I had many hours of Minecraft and GTA online, it gave me good memories Nowadays it’s just sometimes, growing up and maturing naturally distanced me from games

If it’s doing you harm, it’s better to stop, it’s only good when it’s balanced
Your emotions and the time you spend playing determine how connected you will be to the game, perhaps it is this level of intensity with bad games that can have negative effects

The only time I felt a negative impact was with a multiplayer horror game, since I started playing I had strange dreams in that setting and feeling the bad energy, it was probably an astral experience.
So I stopped playing this game and the nightmares stopped too

A funny fact is that I just logout of the dream, this has happened many times, if something unpleasant appears in my dream I have the ability to logout and I am free.
hack to disconnect from dreams or turn off the internet unexpectedly so the threat doesn’t reach you :joy::joy:

I’ve recently been reflecting on the impact of games on the subconscious and there another aspect of identification with game characters that isn’t beneficial. Just like we don’t want to identify too much with our own personalities, we also don’t want to identify too much with the game characters we play. But because games create a kind of reference frame that gets embedded in our subconscious, this kind of inevitable. Additionally, the violence in alot of games is quite damaging and numbing.

I recall when I was younger I experienced a lot of fear around a character that I was playing, dying from some enemies. You could say I was identified with the character. It’s funny how many years later, the fear was still there. It’s irrational but these subconscious imprints last for a very long time.

I think life is a bit like this too. We fear ourselves dying but ultimately, we’re not our human personalities.


That’s a very good point you’ve made. One psychology connoisseur on youtube, Richard Grannon said that you can absolutely become enmeshed with the playable character and then you experience somatically(physically) what the character experiences.

But the subconscious is the elephant in the room isn’t it, I’d like to say playing games is ok in moderation, but is it?

I think playing video games is fine as long as they don’t make you addicted and interfere with daily life and well-being.
There are many can help to boost your memory, cognitive abilities, memory, reflex, et.
I remember seeing news about those improvements in some studies and in even some games are used in some therapies.
Maybe playing table games with other persons could be a better alternative for many.

Yes board games are a really good alternative, to stay connected to reality more. That’s a good suggestion, I had completely forgotten about board games.

One thing many of us might have difficulty admitting is that we love gaming because it allows us to not process negative emotional baggage as I explained above about the dopamine and emotional pain circuitry. That’s the trap, gaming produces dopamine making us feel good and at the same time it takes the emotional pain away. :video_game:

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Well isn’t that the point? Without identifying with the character and experiencing somatic sensations then how could we control the character? I suppose if one was some kind of enlightened being they could control the character disappassionately, but for most people to be able to identify with the character and viscerally feel what they feel, even if the in game character is just an avatar, is necessary. It’s the same with driving a car. When one drives a car, one begins to identify with the car and winces, if for example the car is close to an obstacle, for fear of a collision.

Subconscious is the elephant in the room. Subconscious processes and retains a record of all the inputs and associated emotions. Video games leave an indelible impact on the subconscious because of how visceral the experience is. Even though video games are obviously not real, our subconscious processes inputs without differentiating between truth and fiction. That’s what it’s designed to do, to react to inputs from the senses reflexively.

Screens and virtual reality are only a recent development in humanity’s consciousness. For most of our experience, we’ve only known reality.

Playing games in moderation is obviously okay.

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So true. I’d also like to add that the feel good feeling associated with gaming is only temporary. It’s like a cheap quick fix, the real fix and feeling better for real is associated with properly processing the emotional baggage.

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