I really enjoy MMORPG games, and sometimes I play them, but I was disappointed by my last game because I had been developing a character for about a year, and they decided to shut down the server.
This gives me development in perseverance and patience, which is quite lacking in my life and something I’ve been trying to learn all my life. My temperament is sometimes very fiery, and because of that, I have problems, so simulations like these games have given me improvements in that area.
I improved my clairvoyance and clairaudience with Counter-Strike. I often got banned for the reason of “hacking.”
Strategic games like chess are also wonderful. There are also games that are for improving cognitive abilities so that one can keep their mind alert and in condition.
Overall, I think one can derive many great benefits from games and develop qualities, skills, abilities, alertness, and many others within themselves.
That’s the positive side.
There are games that convey very bad messages, and beliefs, and I’ve even encountered some that have programmed direct black magic in them (I won’t mention names).
Games are also associated with the shadow of a person, and when we add to that the fact that the subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between game/thought/reality, things can get pretty bad for someone because they can do immoral things, normal for them.
I believe that if a person is intelligent and mindful enough, and above all knows why they are playing the game - what they gain from it, there shouldn’t be a problem in using them.
Games sometimes provide tranquility and a way for a person to disconnect from their own game and simulation, which can have the effect of going to an SPA. It relaxes the mind, and then the person can continue in their own life and simulation without getting lost in false realities.