Is it possible to trace all our memories back to first root race?

Has anyone remembered, known firmly and learned from such memories? How was the journey?

I think I may have lived as a Labrador for a few lifetimes. Brown Labrador

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DM: The Art of Utilization This field allows you to download your skills, which very often came to me with memories.

I connected to my first incarnation when I needed to clear something. My first incarnation was very powerful but innocent (if not naive).
All of your root powers are available to you. My soul has evolved a lot since then, so the Art of Utilization+Awakening the God allowed me to recover other powers that I learned here on Earth.

Now, I am hunting down parts of my soul that are still trapped in different places. My new bucket list, lol. Every time a piece of soul comes back to me, I get visions, memories and skills. It is a pleasant feeling like ‘coming back home from travel’. Unfortunately, some memories can hit with pain, but you know it is just an integration process.

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