GAME: Share Your Experience + GIVEAWAY

Hey, guys!

We are making a GIVEAWAY of LOVE PENDANT

To participate in the game:

  1. Share your experience with audios/mandalas/pendants
  • 1 post means 1 participation
  • 2 posts means 2 participations

We will use a random generator from the internet to choose the winner on 31 January 2022.

I wish all happy Christmas filled with love inside themselves and from their families/friends and loved ones who have chosen to be in your life and make you happy, with great experience coming from pure love. :blue_heart: :pray: :hugs:


Do pendant experiences need to be posted on this forum to count, or on Etsy?

This is from the youtube comment of Maitreya’s post.


so 10 = 10 ?

So i always had good experiences with morphic fields, started with sapien medicine, and only recently ive found out about few other makers, including this channel. I have to say that the health/healing ones always worked for me and have never let me down for whatever i needed in that moment, its just important to identify what would assist you in any given moment( obviously theres lifestyle/diet and other factors, and we can heal by ourselves, but until were able to do so(no limitations though), i believe morphic fields are just one of the great tools we can utilize, and im happy to share these with others. Now, the facial physical appearance ones ive also tried, and i think maitreya eyebrows morphic field is the only one on youtube, and you can instantly feel it working there, altough i stopped at that time because ive had other priorities, but ill probably get back to some of these for fun. Thats it for this post, looking forward to share more as i do intend to keep using the fields.


Yes :smiley:

Not in Etsy. I didn’t explain it well lol

You can post your results here on this topic or in youtube comments.



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A few days ago I had a problem with one customer and the thing got worse after the days, so one morning I took the reality shifter and said, “this problem will be solved alone without my intervention and everyone will be happy and I can forget about it now, the universe will take care of it”.
The same afternoon the problem was solved, another involved party came with the perfect solution without me doing anything, and was fixed. So good.


My experience with deep sleep mandala:
Is very good for sleeping in the night deeply and not waking up all night, but in the morning always get up very tired.
So in my case, I think is better to use it only when I cannot sleep or want to sleep faster than usual.

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Limit Breaker:
My experience with this, in the beginning, was like nothing, this was a long time ago from now, just when it was released, I was using it passively for a few weeks.

Later I stopped using it because I didn’t notice any difference.

After weeks of using different fields, storage items, and so on… I had some days of energy overload and felt tired all day, so I gave it a try again, I didn’t use it passively but told the DM to help me with the tiredness and energy overload.

After a few minutes, all my tiredness disappeared and since that time (I used just a few days more after that) I didn’t use it anymore but it has changed my limits permanently, so I think is always good to try to use DM’s in different ways than just passively because maybe can get better results or faster results adding clearly intentions. IMO this is a good DM for crazy energy experimenters like me.


I bought the ‘Appreciated’ DM recently and tuck it into my pocket everywhere I go. Generally speaking, I’ve noticed an increase in folks who want to hold doors open for me, lol, or folks being openly grateful, telling me they’re glad to see me at work. Even the concierge in my building is like, ‘you’re a good person’, lol. vOv Not everyone is swayed it seems - sometimes negativity from those closest to me slips through anyway - but you can’t win 'em all, as they say. And shit’s probably more complicated where family is concerned, anyway - much more at play. But I’m convinced that without this mandala and the Chameleon mandala forever in my pocket, the negative energy flung my way in life would be much more intense.

Now if I could make just one suggestion, I think this ‘Appreciated’ DM could use the added feature of making the wearer appreciate and believe in themselves, too.

Still, very pleased with the results so far.


And the winner is…

He/She can write me a personal message so we can clear the details of shipping. :slight_smile: