Fully Eliminate Smoke and Mirrors / Energetically Programmed Audio

Smoke and mirrors refer to deception, illusion, or manipulation. It’s used to describe actions or explanations that are not what they seem, intended to obscure the truth or make something appear different from what it really is. The phrase originates from the tricks used by magicians and illusionists, who often employ smoke and mirrors to create astonishing illusions that deceive the audience into seeing something that isn’t there or missing something that is. In broader usage, it can refer to any form of misleading or obfuscating tactics used in politics, marketing, entertainment, or any other field to distract or deceive.

This energetically programmed field is designed to remove Smoke and Mirrors from:

  • Matrix programs
  • Influences from external energies and beings
  • Magicians and other similar
  • Manipulations by people, Gaslighting, and similar
  • Manipulations and false perceptions that one has created for oneself
  • And others

It is recommended that the field be used regularly for several months in a row. If a person is experiencing an attempt at energy manipulation at any given time, this field is essential to help them during such a moment.


Mandala in the Works?


Maitreya you are on fire :boom::sparkles::star2:. Awesome field! Thank you so much!

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How does this field fare with these two patreon ones?

DM: Remove Shadow Mirrors (Patreon Exclusive)

DM: Remove Smoke of Confusion (Patreon Exclusive)

Is this YT field like a mix of these two or more?


Boy I really need this at this time in my life. So many people that are close to my are lying, hiding and trying to deceive me. Thank goodness, I have a TON of DM’s from you to help support me in this.


Why do you have people like that in your life?

It doesn’t sound they are close to you(emotionally at least).


Well my ex wife, kids all do this to me(kids are controlled by the ex), now my sister and parents. I would love to break this abuse. I will break this abuse in time. So it’s everyone close to me actually.

They are all threatened by my new masculinity, as they are all abusive & dominating women. I am breaking free form there control and they are trying to keep me in their box, or the version they know of me.

It’s similar to them, yes. Not mix itself but have similar qualities.


It seems they want to get you in their comfort zone and block your growth.

Even your own father can be a agent.

We had a family meeting, which was really an intervention against me.
Yes the women in my family do not get along with strong men, I thought my mom was starting to recognize my masculinity, but then this happened.

They had some valid points but the rest was BS and their own issues.
I am open and willing to listen and grow, but I am also not allowing others to keep me down.
I will keep growing and moving forward.

I love my father, but he is a weak man and a huge reason, I was weak, as I modelled my behaviour after him. I am breaking free from that and healing the trauma.


Can’t you do “no contact” with them?

Breaking free sounds like a struggle but what I did is that I just stopped interacting with my family who all were invested in me failing in my life. I send text message “leave me alone” and stopped answering their messages. It doesn’t need to be more complicated than that.

By the way you can’t “break the abuse” as you cannot change people. You only break yourself in the process as if you try to change people you will be breaking their freewill and you will be stuck in the situation where they try to change you and then you try to change them. See? You’d be a vibrational match to them by trying to change them. Maybe this is why you’re stuck in this situation is that you think you can change people. Did I get it wrong?

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Well It’s my ex wife and we have 4 children, so I limit her to only text and email, so everything is in writing, but I have to communicate to her about the kids. So no at this point I can’t have no contact with her.

Due to health issues and money, I am living with my parents for now, so also can’t cut them out. I just reconnected with my sister and her family, after years of not taking to them, as they cut me off, due to what my ex told them about me.

So its a tangled web.

I realized today, as I become more of a man and stand in my own power, that threatens the women in my life, as I was a weak and passive man for the last 20 years. They run the show and I am stepping into my own power.

I am not trying to change my parents or sister., but this family meeting has reviled much to me about them and their behaviour.

I am healing myself, and I guess in trying to help my ex and children heal, that could be seen as trying to change them.
My intention is to help them heal like I am healing with whatever outcome that is. To help them break free from the unhealthy generational patterns and start to question what is being told to him. I want them free from the abuse so they can have much healthier lives and have a much better life than I had.

At its core I guess am trying to change them. I need more time to process this.

“I guess in trying to help my ex and children heal, that could be seen as trying to change them.”

So there it is, if people don’t ask for healing and you try to heal them, that is trying to change them against their freewill.

There is a saying: “Hell is full of good intentions”.


Good thing I have the let go DM, it should be able to help me with this.

:ok_hand::muscle: Fully stand in your power

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Thank you, It been a fun ride and even more as I continue discovering my true self.

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I h

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I hope everyone here will find a way to reclaim their own power. It’s not going to be easy, and it will be full of tears and old wounds surfacing, but I keep my fingers crossed for you. Even one good person can light a room full of demons.