Fields Suggestions

Tell us then what approach you are taking to make it? or pm me?

Sapien medicines theta waves field is weak, otherwise we would all be lucid dreaming in a week.

Thats all it literally is.

To have strong theta waves while maintaining awareness.

Perhaps you dont even need to make a lucid dreaming field.

A field that increases theta waves and their strength while focusing ones awareness in the present moment is pretty much lucid dreaming guaranteed.

So its not about theta waves, its about the strength of theta and being able to remain aware and not get lost in fantasies or believe its a dream etc.

Which, honestly, should be a really easy field. Considering the other complicated fields you made.


I still remember how excited I was when he first removed it from yt.

Finally we’ll have a v2 that works!

Yeah right…

What if he wanted to make one but wasnt allowed to?

Maybe higher beings didnt allow him to?


what do you want to do in your lucid dreams to desire them so much ?!Is it for to find the door that leads to the journey of the soul, And flee from the matrix

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Explore the universe ofcourse.

Subconscious communication, higher self communication, open portals to different star system and chill/learn from aliens.

I always wanted to actually see Arcturus, and meet them.

Get the gist?

The possibilities for learning/expanding trough lucid dreaming are endless.


difficult to understand because I thought that the dream was carried out in the head (even for lucid dreams) and not outside the body like an astral journey where it is possible to visit other places and meet other people (other beings / entities).

Everything is “in your head” :wink:

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Yah …also bang anyone you want “in your head” lol


what do you think of the merkaba ?! can it be useful in a way for an exploration of certain worlds and / or other dimensions ?!

Lol. Cant wait to smesh my neighbour old lady in my head :unamused:


No idea

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request fields:
Updated Lucid Dream Field + added ability to stay aware with Extra Extra Strong epsilon waves.
Also the possibility of having it in mandala form.






Somewhere down the line, having a field to remove moles would be nice. Yes, for cosmetic purposes, but I, for one, would also rather not have to worry if one of those little fuckers that keep popping up on me is benign or if it’s a melanoma.

After doing a quick Google search, radio frequency removal does exist. I don’t know if this would help, but, I found this bit of info: “radiofrequency units operate on a household current and convert energy into a high-frequency, low-temperature waveform of approximately 4.0 MHz. This wavelength exists between that of a radio and television wavelength. Essentially, only the cells that come into contact with the radio wave detach, while the remaining skin cells are largely undamaged.” …of course, I imagine a morphic field based on this idea wouldn’t damage our good skin, lol. Frequencies exist on YT for mole eradication but I haven’t been able to find the hz value.


Roger Federer Aura please :tennis::grinning:

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One for vascular health… please… there’s nothing like this on YouTube. This is one of the main systems in our body and it doesn’t nearly get enough love as it should because it’s mainly internal up until someone gets an aesthetic sign such as a broken capillary etc. or something more serious like a heart attack. This would benefit anyone, young or old.

  • Repairing broken capillaries/spider veins/varicose veins and preventing them from occurring
  • Inducing micro and macro circulation, preventing blood stasis and blood stagnation
  • Preventing bruises and other blood “pools”.
  • Strengthening walls of veins and arteries
  • Breaking down any “obstructions” whether plaque or clots in veins/arteries

Welcome Lady,

Sapien Medicine has such a field
“Varicose and Spider Veins Removal Treatment” but that only seems to be on Patron as I couldn’t find it on YouTube. However, it hasn’t really been that successful so far. At the moment I am trying to loop continuously with the storage field.

But I think it can be done even better and should also be able to dissolve existing thromboses safely. Which is apparently not provided with the Sapien field.


Now more than ever, preventing and blasting clots would be great. Especially useful to have on long flights… when traveling by plane is the norm again, that is.


Maitreya, will the “become the best version of you” field ever be uploaded to YouTube? I saw it went on Patreon.
Or at least, perhaps a weaker version of the audio?

That’s a great idea!!!

No, they won’t. On the contrary, they will complement each other. :slight_smile:

All the best!!!