Estrogen Reducer - Bodybuilding Series

[Creating a topic for this field since there was none yet]

This production will Inhibit aromatase enzyme and elimiminate all unwanted estrogens and female hormones for 24-48 hours. It will give you a better hormone balance that is needed for a lean healthy body.


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I’m hoping this is ok for females to use on occasion when there is indication we have estrogen dominance?

Welcome to our forum :slight_smile:

I would use this It is designed to energetically balance all of them, instead on focusing just on one.


Hello :wave:

Isn’t estrogen good for females? Testosterone is masculinizing hormone so more men have it, the more masculine they become. And the more estrogen women have, the more feminine they become. Am I wrong? Or is is this some dark side schenanigans to make females afraid of estrogen, it is afterall in the best interest of the dark side that women become less feminine and men less masculine, to reduce the sexual attraction between sexes. Aren’t women supposed to have estrogen dominance? :thinking:

Estrogen dominance means too much estrogen in relation to progesterone.

I can understand why women have this problem with estrogen, the environment is loaded with hormone disruptors and estrogens increasers.

There’s phyto(plant) estrogens that increase estrogen load such as flax seeds, soy in all its forms, wheat and chia seeds. Then there are estrogens in animal products like all dairy products. But then there are also estrogen mimickers like plastics that are in tap water and in your plastic water boiler, plastic bottles. The thing about plastic is that all plastics are in the process of breaking down so plastics will always leech itself into the water.

It probably doesn’t help either that theres glyphosate in womens tampons and glyphosate is a hormone disruptor delivered straight into the womans genitalia. :-1: