DM: The Rewarder

No, that is the main difference.

Focus on The Rewarder, or open it and then say/think your goal. I always communicate with specific mandala when I set intentions or meditate with it. The Manager is to keep it active whenever you want.

That’s great, exactly what I was expecting! Many challenges in life arise at any time, and with this feature, we can instantly add them as “goals” to face and solve these challenges with more motivation.

On a side note: Can I cancel the set goals? If I have achieved the goals I set, will Mandala retain my pursuit of these goals? This means, what will happen if similar or identical goals arise in the future? Additionally, if the goal is a one-time occurrence, will the retention of the belief in pursuing that goal lead to cognitive redundancy or distract me?

When I have already connected The Rewarder to me (or my aura) by The Manager, can I establish communication with it simply by imagining or focusing on the image or name of The Rewarder in my mind (or out of thin air) and telling it my goals?

Yes, any time. If you won’t do it, the field will be still working on it.

Depending on the intention you have used.
If you want to lose weight and your goal is 60kg. Once you’ve achieved that, it will stop pursuing you.
If you set “I want to lose my weight to 60kg and keep it”, it will continue.

Can you give me an example, please?

Yes. That will be enough.

@Polaris any idea on how many goals can the rewarder mandala version handle ?


For the audio version in youtube, will it work with the goal in the first listening and do i have to repeat my goal the other day? Thank you

Less is better. I don’t think there is any limit, but if you get a rewarding sensation all the time, it might lose its intensity. You will just get used to it. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but I think 3 is optimal. Then, once you accomplish your goal, you can add more.

No need to repeat the goal. Just play audio every day to keep the field working on you.

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Can this be used with smaller tasks rather than goals, for example I have to clean my room and my motivation is low, can I use the field for that task and then once I am finished to stop the command?

I am considering buying this field because I have to write my bachelor thesis and need all the drive I can get.

I would say you can set the general goal “I keep my room tidy”

HI @Polaris, my bigger question was about using the field to smaller tasks during the day rather than goals to help with motivation., especially when it’s running low.

It can be used for small tasks, and it is HIGHLY recommended. This way, the subconscious stops differentiating between “small” and “large” tasks and removes the resistance to those we have labeled as “large.” This is an exceptional manifestation method that I use constantly to keep my subconscious “in shape,” continually engaged with the ideas I provide.


Thank you, @Maitreya. Is there any issue with using this field with too many “active” goals,like @Polaris mentioned, because I can see if you get a buzz to many times, because you are doing the things that are beneficial to you, the body can adapt and the whole process does not work as effectively, as before. Like getting used to caffeine, and requiring higher doses.

I think it would make you feel good in general. Imagine that you feel content 10x a day because you take steps towards your better self. Even if you would feel less buzz than still you would feel good. You drink coffee even if it doesn’t kick you :smiley:

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Ok, I just bought it. And a question arose how about using it to enjoy your job, even if you don’t like it? Sure in the long term it’s better to change, but in the now is there any fear of becoming addicted to your job, when you use the field?

I don’t think you can become addicted to job it’s not aligned with you, but honestly, it’s hard to predict. Job is not a habit, though. I would rather use the Rewarder in attracting job of your dreams.
Set the goal “I have a job I love, enjoy and makes me feel good”. Then everything you would do in that sense, would help you to get closer to that.

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I am working on that combined with the finder, but in the meantime the job is there to pay the bills and be able to buy some fields from Maity :grinning:

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Use a manifestation method to attract your dream job with connecting with your body and feeling emotions - how you want to feel there. Combined with the fields that are discussed.

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