DM: Restore Source Connection

Hello everyone, i have used this mandala for awhile (maybe4 3 to 4 weeks), so I can safely say that it does way more than spiritual healing. This is one of the most important field i have ever used in my life.

Money has constantly been an issue that pulls me away from calmness or quietness because the month bills and rent are too real to be considered ‘3d illusion’. In Canada, it is too cold to sleep on the street or forest, even at April this weather, as it is easily 0 degree at night.

So this mandala magically helps me to sell some used items that are considered unpopular, such as kneeling chair, some specific pain reliever and so on.

I felt this DM will help to balance your physical world in order for you to focus on the process of ‘return to the source’.

Also, i find this DM pairs very well with the audio of ‘obstacle destroyer’. When my pain at my legs become unbearable during lotus posture meditation, the obstacle destroyer will kick in to expand some blood vessels or meridians, as i felt my invisible body will shake. Then the pain sensation will be decreased a lot or released. In the past, if i don’t use the audio or DM Restore, the pain will be stubbornly remained to the end of the session and pulled me out of the focus/quiet state.

If you have this DM, give this mandala more time to let it go to the maximum potential.

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