DM: Removing Thought Forms and Parasites - MaitreyaFields

Thought forms are energetic projections from other beings or individuals towards us. They integrate with our psyche and, subtly begin to influence our attitudes, feelings, and behaviors. This integration is often so seamless that it’s often hard to discern why we’re behaving a certain way, as it becomes our new normal. Sometimes a certain thought or feeling may be so strange and unnatural to us that it may be possible to realize that this is someone else’s attitude and not our own. It can be a positive experience when the projections are beneficial, for instance, when a child perceives their parent as a superhero but it can be very harmful if we receive negative and undermining projections, such as negative judgments about our abilities, look, value as people, etc.

Of course, we do not accept every projection someone sends us. The projection may stick to us if we hold similar beliefs, if we’re in a lower vibrational state at that moment, or if we are open to the person who sends the projection-for example a parent or a partner. To illustrate, imagine a scenario where someone I encounter on the street thinks to themselves, that I am unattractive. If I’m in a state of low vibration, this thought form can latch onto my aura and I may start feeling unattractive, even though this feeling doesn’t originate from my own self-perception but from the projection of another individual. Or in a more serious situation-if as a child my parents perceived me as ‘the dumb one’ in the family, I may accept their projection because I am totally open to them and have no protection against their influence. Such projections coming from parents and other relatives may be especially powerful as as children we are open and vulnerable and create our worldview and self-image based on what we learn from them.

This field will clear all projections from you that are harming you and preventing you to live your full potential and be happy and fulfilled in life. Starting from small everyday projections and digging deep into your subconscious the field will release all harmful ideas of others about you.

Energy Parasites, on the other hand, thrive on attachment and the projection of their thoughts, feelings, and patterns onto others. The energetic programming in this field is designed to remove energy parasites and the ingrained patterns that attract such energies and entities. Consequently, it can also cause real-life individuals who exhibit parasitic behavior to become detached from your life.

By clearing these attachments and patterns, you can expect a profound transformation. You will emerge feeling rejuvenated and free from the negative influences of external projections and parasitic attachments.


From a trusted source i was confirmed that the ego do indeed feed on thought forms …hmmmm

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My dad

Thank you so much for making this field as a DM.


Can this help if energetic parasite feeding on your life force but also it’s manipulating your behavior ?

What do you mean by an energy parasite? Manipulating your behavior involves slightly more complex things.

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Parasite energetic what feed on life force of person but also keeps person locked to mainly sitting smoking , at night drinking repetitive circle night and day .
Person before was social but now avoid people was before successful at work now all work is destroyed suddenly nobody needs this person even friends .
It’s different corners of life that it’s very visible that literally nothing is happening for that person .

Night after night the person is abused by something .

And it’s just visible that person is not him as before.

This person would need to agree to use fields. There could be much stuff behind this. Black magic, entities that are stronger than parasites.

I would give this a go. It has all different fields plus very strong protection. Topical application works even faster than mandalas and maybe they would be more open to try physical product. People’s mind connects salves and gels with solutions. This also works on immune system that is often completely shattered when attacked by dark beings.

I use it on my third eye every day to make sure that my judgment is not affected by anything.

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