DM: Nervous System Balance

This Digital Mandala has been designed to balance your nervous system. It may be helpful for people who are under a lot of stress, experiencing difficult emotional states, people with conditions related to the nervous system, or people who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks. People with nerve damage or spinal cord injuries or nerve inflammation may also find it beneficial.

It will also be helpful to those who use multiple energy fields or audios and find it difficult to handle or integrate them.

The field will bring you peace and calm right away when you use it. For deeper results, you may need to use it for several weeks or depending on the severity of the condition, even months.

This field is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, nor is it a replacement for qualified medical help. If you suffer from a medical condition please talk to your doctor.


Is this better than blueprint of nervous system from the book of health?



I just purchased Blueprint of Health Nervous System and it feels wholesome like complete. About the balancing i’d like to know if it is included also


In Blueprint of Health, the code for an ideally healthy nervous system is laid out. This field is designed more to balance the system and to complement the other supplements we have described in the description of the mandala. It is particularly valuable for people who use many digital mandalas - this field allows for better integration and prevents the effects from being blocked when using a large number of fields simultaneously. This will also result in faster outcomes.


I have felt very tired lately, I have been using many fields for healing.
I felt it was mostly lack of good sleep and proper nutrition and stress and emotional problem even though the nerveous system being a problem came across my mind I forgot about that yesterday night when I read about this and purchased it.
Today I feel much better, it has to be this or otherwise it would be too much coincidence.
I feel calmer too.
I will keep using this.


It was an audio version before. DM’s were more complex.

To simplify - the higher the price, the more advanced the field. It’s like with cars. You can buy Ford Focus in different versions. The car will get you to the place, but you might get ad-ons (better alloys, interior etc).

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