This field has been designed to bring to your conscious mind all hidden or suppressed emotions you might have so you see, understand, and recognize them. It will bring up old stuck emotions that have never been resolved and are blocking your energy flow. Simultaneously, with every emotion that surfaces a higher understanding of the situation will be given, so you can resolve the issue in the best possible way.
PS: Field will work only for those who are part of any of the tiers.
I wonder why no one shares their experience with this field. I think this field is quite strong and it has help me to learn a lot about my issues and unconscious negative beliefs.
First of all, I have to say that I hate the feelings when carrying this mandala. I feel very emotional, either sad or upset or angry, and therefore it is very energy-draining to use. I can carry it up to a few hours or maximum a day. I have used a lot of Sapien fields and clear a lot of my emotions through all fields and meditation, so I’m quite surprised (and also hate it) when it can bring up any more stuck emotions inside me.
And it does as stated in the description, bring understanding for these emotions. During my first use, I realized that I had a very narrow perspective, in which I thought everyone would judge and assess me like my parents, and needed to be well-behaved and provide good benefits to be loved and cared. That’s why I had so much fear of being abandoned and hated by other people around me for being useless, or not cool enough, or not beautiful enough, or not rich enough.
During other times, I noticed how I had been feeling vulnerable and unprotected all my life. And I also had a lot of negative beliefs about love and my ability, like love is conditional and not safe and not long-term, and I am not capable of doing any hard or great.
Maybe I’ll try to use this mandala once or twice a month and spend the rest of the time trying to resolve the problems from all the understanding of the emotions. It’s great that this mandala works for any subscription tier, that means even with 3.33 usd a month we can still have access to it.
If very heavy suppressed emotions pop up you can help yourself always with Unconditional Love from YT and also Self Compassion.
The awareness and courage to use this mandala and look into yourself, to spend time, effort, and focus to gain this awareness are worthy of the utmost respect.