Freedom of the Soul [DM + Audio]

Everyone has secrets—secrets they remain silent about their whole life, weighed down by feelings that torment them: sadness, anger, suffering over missed opportunities, unspoken words, and so on. All of this stays within our bodies and occasionally returns to remind us of itself, unsettling us emotionally and mentally, or trapping us in a relentless thought loop that drives us crazy. From the perspective of ancestral laws, a significant secret within a lineage can even create problems for future generations, forcing them to experience the same issue over and over. In the past, many places offered a space for confession, but in today’s world it’s often hard to find, and most people don’t want to share such personal matters with others.

This energetically programmed field is created to help you connect directly with the Divine Source so you can unburden yourself of what weighs on you, offer your prayers, and ask for help. It contains embedded programs that provide you with the highest understanding of the situation and the lessons involved. By drawing out the essence of its value, you can release the negative and blocked emotions, as well as end the mental loop that constantly reminds you of this situation.

How to Use
Print out the mandala or use the audio by playing it on a loop. Find a quiet space and relax, then share whatever you want to release from within yourself. You can continue doing so until you feel relief. It’s best to speak out loud, but if that’s not possible, you can also do it silently in your mind.


My first impressions for this field is amazing.

I was bothered by a reocurring problem, that made me feel very bad again and again.

And if you believe or not, yesterday evening I gazed at the mandala for 3 to 5 minutes and talked about my problem. And instantly felt relief, the emotional charge was super low.

This morning, ten minutes ago I finished my meditation with the audio and explained a few more things that came to mind. I felt much energetic sensations in the upper torso, at most directly under my chin. There was very much pressure, I accepted and felt it a few minutes and it got less.

Now I feel much at ease, the sensations are still there, but much weaker. I put the mandala in the manager and go about my day.

Will update, how it goes this week!


@Maitreya What an unbelievable field! :heart: Thank you for this. I had no idea I needed so much.

I have a great support net. I’m lucky to have friends and family that I can talk about stuff. But they’re things that I never wanted to share, not to overburden them.

Women need to vent out. Men, too, but we operate on two different systems. We sometimes only need to vent. Say it aloud, let it go without someone giving us solutions. Men (mostly) are task-oriented. If they have a problem, they will focus on finding a solution instead of calling their bestie and talking for an hour.
We used to have communities that allowed us to connect and learn from older. Now, we bottle up.

I got triggered by someone yesterday. Then I remembered what @Dodo shared, and I decided to give it a go when I’m triggered.
I opened the mandala and played audio. I pretended that mandala is the Creator and … this field get me loose. I talked, cried, and talked for at least 20 minutes. When I wanted to stop, this field pulled out more and more. I felt heard and understood. I felt genuine care.
And I got a realization about that person who triggered me that shocked me deeply.
What was even more shocking - suddenly I felt calmess and message from the Creator ‘I will handle this, don’t worry’. It made me feel like a child who asked their father for intervention, and you know he is going to shake the world because they love you, and you deserve to feel safe, protected and taken care of. It wasn’t anger, it was a sense of justice.
I am connected to the Creator, but this field took it to a closer level.

I used this again a few hours later. I felt something had to be said. To my surprise, I started talking to this person, not the Creator. I wanted to stop, but it felt right. When I spoke, I had more realizations, like this field, step by step, removed the illusion and also brought my memories back. For some reason, I felt this person would get this message in the energetic form because it was my soul talking to their soul, not our human egos. And it was so important to say this aloud and inform them about my decisions because he doesn’t talk to me in ‘real life’.

This field is amazing. It guides you and opens up to the truth. It allows you to speak what you feel without fear and guilt. It supports you in confronting underlying issues. No way I would say some things to any human on this planet. Now, I feel that I can always use this field any time I need, and it makes me feel safe. I tend to bottle up and suppress emotions, no need for that anymore.


Wow, got tears reading and doesn’t thought about targeting trigger situations, had yesterday a heavy trigger and will try it on that!

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I’m glad that you feel relieved. :slight_smile: I believe that men have an even greater need to vent out because from a young age they’re taught very repressive models that suppress their emotions, and there are many men who have no one to talk to at all.
Sad but true.


Yeah, most of men don’t find any point to talk just for the sake of talking BUT this field also brings solutions. It is not just venting. The Creator listens and replies to you.

This field is a must-have for introverted people :smiley: or Dismissive Avoidants who never express their needs.