DM: Close Portals

I was curious how the universe kept pointing me toward this mandala.

I had been wanting some changes for a long time, but they just weren’t happening. Then this mandala appeared, but I had zero enthusiasm about buying it—actually, I felt resistance to the idea.

But something kept shifting my attention back to this mandala from time to time. Maybe it was the effect of the other mandalas I had on my flash drive or in the Mandala Manager folder (Become the Master of Your Life, The Right Decisions, and others).

At some point, my focus got caught on a question a girl asked online about an old movie where the main character travels through time portals. Then I came across a message from Matreya explaining how portals work. After that, I realized that every time my wife watched TV, she was watching the series Outlander, which is also about time travel through portals. She had already watched several seasons.

I also noticed that, for several days, I had been watching videos and reading about tuning jeeps to improve their off-road capability using something called Portal Axles.

Then I remembered something else: for many months, every night before going to bed, I would hear the laminate floor in the bedroom crackling. It felt like something was moving across the room. The sound wasn’t coming from one spot—it was like footsteps, with the sound following them. I wasn’t scared, but I clearly felt it was an astral being. I thought, Well, it’s there, it’s fine. I’m clean, I’m protected, let it walk around. I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from because both my state of mind and the energy in the space felt clear and peaceful.

Eventually, I put all the puzzle pieces together and bought the mandala—still with resistance.

I thought the topic of ancestors was closed for me, but here it was again, showing up in such an unexpected way.


People are almost always born into the same family line and within a specific group of souls for many generations in a row. So, consider the possibility that many of the dark deeds in your lineage were done by you in past lives, and that it’s no accident you were born into this family again. Everything in the world is fair and all ancestral energies strive for balance.

Also, pay attention to accepting your shadow sides. Only by recognizing and embracing them a person can become whole.

P.S.: A person who desperately craves peace often creates more conflicts and war in life.

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I heard about this before, but my previous lifetime ended in Laos and couldn’t be further than Poland. I have recovered plenty of my lifetimes, and I have tracked down my ancestral lines (I was affected by 3 because my stepdad gave me his surname). I was placed here on purpose because, at some stage, I sacrificed myself (I had this problem a few times, Jesus Syndrome), and Baal owned me. My soul and body were tortured, and many of my pieces were spread all over the world. He owned this family. Maitreya recovered my pieces and revoked this contracts because I was too weak to do it by myself. So the Creator always sends you the right people at the right time, but you need to make that choice and take this chance.

I’ve done this a few times because this is not a one-off :smiley: I love my shadow self. I’ve never turned into darkness, but it is war, so of course, I killed, cursed, and destroyed humans and beings that were against the Light.
However, I had many fake memories at the beginning. I called it the ‘package in case of awakening’, and I needed to work through this. Programs that Matrix activates when you wake up to prevent you from discovering your true self. There’s so much fake information and beliefs on the internet that I got trapped a few times.

I agree. I was so integrated with a warrior that I always attracted more reasons to fight and people to protect. I informed my guides that it is time for retirement :smiley:


Is it enough for me alone to work with DM Close Portals so that my family members no longer face issues with ancestral entities opening portals?

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It’s better to give them the mandala and let them carry it for a while so that everything is thoroughly cleared. Have the steps, stopped?

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Portals which could affect more than a person.
I have read something about portals and I think this could be possible.

Could an entity or one of these creatures be from a higher dimension than 4th/5th?
If so will this work against them.

Does this work for closing portals with earthbound spirits?

I decided after some thought to get this one - these days, I’m focusing a bit more on ‘larger picture’ type fields, the ancestral healing type stuff, since there’s a lot of suffering on my mom’s side of the family, especially. I like that when one ancestor heals, multiple folks in the line benefit. And, well, there’s definitely some stuckness I’ve experienced for years in different areas of life, health especially. I could ramble about that forever, and the frustration of trying so many things with consistency, but maybe on another thread.

So anyway, I played the Close Portals audio, went to bed, had a peaceful sleep. Although I woke up much earlier than my alarm clock, I felt pretty ok. Before falling back asleep, though, I turned off a couple of my fields to ensure I wouldn’t wake up tired for work. (I have a limit of about four fields looping a night; more than that can lead to me feeling pretty exhausted. The fewer at once, the better.) One of the fields I turned off was this one, ‘Close Portals’. And then, I had a bad dream.

Part of me doesn’t know if it’s something my brain conjured up purely after reading the description for the DM or if it reflects something that was actually happening to me on some level. But the symbolism is absolutely undeniable. I dreamed I was at my old place of residence and heard two knocks on the front door deep at night. My dream-self felt afraid of answering it, but when I went down in the ‘morning’, my front door was somehow completely open to the world, and I distinctly remember feeling deeply vulnerable and uneasy. When I went back into the home, I noticed my bedroom had a massive, undraped window by the bed, and I felt exposed with it there and reluctant to look through it for fear of finding something out there, staring back. Lots of ‘open portal’ imagery throughout that dream. Needless to say… I think I gotta keep wearing this mandala during the day and playing this audio in my sleep. I wonder what tonight’s sleep will be like! Preferably peacefully uneventful!

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They never influence humans unless they’ve been asked for intervention. This field works against lower beings.

Earthbound are trapped, they can’t leave 4D so they’re not able to create any portals even for themselves. However, dark beings travel between worlds and use that to syphon energy or lower yours.

I think first dreams are significant because your subconscious mind is trying to process changes and new reality. With this field, it happens quickly, hence intense dreams.

Not yet. But the mandala has been with me for only a couple of days

Maybe this is not an evil being? You can set the intention for the field to focus on this intruder first.

You have always advised making decisions based on intuition, and that’s exactly what I did. How the universe pointed me toward this decision, I described a bit earlier.
As for the rest, I won’t venture to judge.

For some reason I remembered my request ))

What is this for? I don’t know ))


I added it to the Field Suggestions thread so it won’t get lost. I like the idea of a place of power :smiley:

Has anyone else experienced things like feeling an immense amount of joy, happiness, and peace during the day for a few hours, then have it shift abruptly into anxiety or some negative emotions? I wonder if these are the entities from the portals fighting back?

Also, I’ve been using this mandala for almost 2 weeks now with ancestral line clearing, ancestral war trauma, and ancestral line rearrangement. Intuitively, It feels like this is the last leg of the clearing journey…

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I have had states of exhilaration, intense outpouring of love, deep calm interspersed with emptiness, futility, heart wrenching tiredness and low vitality states. But the lows are nowhere close to the darkness I have seen before.


There is a possibility that when a portal is closed, then they’re trying to find the weakest in the bloodline to convince them to open a new one for them. This field pisses them off extremely. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It can also be a healing crisis. When a bloodline was deeply rooted in darkness, now this access is getting closed, and this field also is sending an enormous amount of light and unconditional love, so the vibrational difference can cause discomfort, especially when you’re energy sensitive.

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Even if they find the weakest in the bloodline and convince them to open a new portal, wouldn’t this field just close that one as well?

Would we have to carry this mandala around permanently to guard against this or does this mandala prevent the opening of new portals permanently (as long as we wear it long enough, in my case 1-2 months)?

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I’m only one carrying mandala from my bloodline .

Even if am only one carry it is this helping my whole bloodline ?