We are 2, I don’t know what else to do to end this.
I don’t think that increasing more is the solution, it just makes me go to the bathroom more and the water is no longer really used.
You need more water for energy work and to work with energy more effectively
That’s why SZ and some another creators asks to drink more water in their description
But when I drink 5 it feels enough
2 is definitely not enough…even a normal joe who doesn’t use any field or sub has to drink 3-3.5 for proper functioning for men and 2.7 for women…
I’ll do an experiment trying to drink more then.
Hydration/booster on Quadible Integrity works very very well too.
I dont use more quadrible
Love the idea of this mandala, fight off the grand beliefs of society and the socialization were brainwashed into believing.
What’s the difference of it from the subconscious limit dissolver?
Say her name
Dang,Man thats Bad Ass !! awesome-ness at its best. Getting it !! dang. thnks! understatement!! Keep rockin’ it dude,I know you will !!
I’m considering buying this one. Does anyone have a testimonial on how the field positively influenced them, so it can help me make the decision?
Makes you just fearless, honestly if you’ve seen BB It’s like Walter White’s field in real life If you feel hopeless in life or just want to live your life to the fullest it is good for unleashing your potential. You will live your life as you are supposed to feel, without limits. Without worries. Another thing is that you occupy few fields and go registering your changes. Luck.
Thanks for responding, @LightOfBrahma. Yes, I did watch Breaking Bad and loved the show. I was a bit confused as I imagined several potential ways this could go which wouldn’t be very nice, e.g., if I became careless, or insensitive, couldn’t let go of past mistakes (Gray Matter remorse) or took too many risks.
I supposed @Maitreya would only put the good stuff in here though. So, maybe this would be good for people who care too much about others think, who are people pleasers, and too afraid to own their own power and live up to their full potential?
It is up to you what kind of decisions you will make, if you will absorb those qualities. Free will When he became fearless, everything that happened to him was his choice, good or bad.
I think it’s ok to trust yourself that with confidence, you will feel good and positive and create healthy boundaries.
I have been rebellious all my life (Aquarius lol), but I’ve never got any speed tickets, no issues with law, paid my taxes But I have always been like, “Don’t tell me how to live” and did things on my own way and paid for my own mistakes, not someone’s expectations.
You’re right, but I am thinking that I’d have to be more self-aware, especially at the beginning, so I don’t snap rudely at someone. I thought Mr. White was most often unnecessarily rude to Jesse, so I don’t want to be snapping like that at my son LOL.
I’m an Aquarius Sun and Mercury in the 1H so I can relate. Although, I think I mellowed out after my 30’s and the energy of Venus conjunct at the same degree as my ASC and then Moon in the 10H conjunct my MC in Libra makes me overly accommodating to people who don’t deserve it.
In fact, I was recently pushed out of a job I loved by two female superiors despite having overachieved their established goals. Like Walter White, I too felt I was being maneuvered out of an award winning team I built, gave up a stable income, and agreed to resign (they claimed I wasn’t doing a good job) just to maintain the peace within the broader team and not rock the boat.
I have been waking up for 2 months now sobbing in pain for the sadness this has caused. I loved my job, the company, the people I mentored and the injustice and seeing their new manager receive the award for my work on social media makes me so sad. I realize I had been too stressed and exhausted coming out of a major all-immersing project and being gas-lit…
I’m starting with the Mandala today. I am hoping to regain some confidence to land a new job.
Sometimes, the Universe is forcing us to make room for something better. If you had stayed in this job, you might have missed the opportunity for something that your Higher Self wants. Good luck!
Thank you for the reminder @anon56859622! You are right, I just need to trust the process.
First day using the mandala gave me the immediate mindset shift:
- Reduced sensitivity. If you are someone who’s on the very sensitive side or were raised brainwashed to be a “nice girl”, you will care less about feelings in general right away.
- Increased self-esteem. A subtle but solid uplift and it did not make me cocky or conceited. It was rather like an inner quiet mind. I was walking around more solidly, as in being fully grounded.
- Ability to say “no” with conviction. You know those people trying to upsell you services left and right? Well, your “no”, while said in a normal tone of voice, will carry a weight and finality where they won’t be trying to counter-argue and will back off.
- Reduced procrastination. I had some chores to do that I love pushing it back to the last minute. I saw them and immediately took action without thinking twice about it.
- Focus. I was able to ignore stimuli that would normally distract me from what I was set to do. This included ignoring those “welcoming greeters” at the entrance of shops. I normally wouldn’t ignore them (not wanting to make people feel bad), but here their “welcome to the store” felt insignificant in which they didn’t really mean it, they were only doing what their boss required them to do, to fool customers into thinking they were cared about. What the boss really cares about, is return business.
Did it make me bossier with my son?
Yes, but in a good way. “Kid, take out the trash!” and a couple of other things but nothing rude or insensitive. I realized I was feathering his nest too much and knew the mandala was at play the whole time while I felt differently. -
Any side undesirable side-effects so far?
Well, I felt the urge to drop some f-bombs with every other sentence. I usually prefer not to use curse-words unless the occasion really merits it. Just a personal choice as I like languages and value a rich and precise vocabulary. This mandala however may give you a potty mouth.
This field is bad ass. I’m really enjoying it.
P.s.: No coughing experienced in this 24-hr experiment. I suppose there’s “protection” against it… LOL
I’m really enjoying this field.
It was so nice to read it! I love this. I’m so glad that you find this empowerment. This works so quickly because in your case it was digging up your true nature, buried under “good girl” conditioning.
I think potty mouth will dissolve. Or maybe this is Higher Self giving you the opportunity to learn how to control how you speak. Nothings happens without reason. I like F word to much too. I feel motivated to reduce that
Happy for you
“Just remember who your working for”