Don’t know how you are using bro I tested this many times I just hold this mandala put my thumb over it and in my mind I say my higher self give sensation in this hand for yes for this and for no in other hand,. and I feel that every time.
works for me i ask to blink my right eye for yes and left for no it starts to blink asked many questions this way and worked every time found some surprising answers
you can use a statement as intention before asking questions
something like - I accept the truth and really want to know the answers
or something else like this and then try again
Finding this mandala was useful to me, just in terms of getting the info in the description. Ive been having muscle contractions meaning yes/no in my right/left legs for years now, I also interpret it as meaning strengthening/weakening or in alignment/out of alignment for me and others.
Is this a known thing or technique that the higher self sometimes chooses to use? Maybe the reason some are not getting results from this is because the higher self would prefer to communicate in other ways. The muscle contractions started quite organically for me.
Can Higher self predict any future, if I ask questions in yes or no? Like it can predict anything accurately?
I actually do get sensations, like completely abnormal whole hand vibration, everytime I ask something. I even have video proof for it , I filmed my hand. It shakes my hand vigorously sometimes. Am I abnormal, my vision sometimes blur too when it takes time to answer. And I’m confused what type questions should I ask to my higher self and what not? I’m very new to Maitreya. Please guide me, I have video proof how my hand shakes abnormally. It’s not just muscle contraction but my whole hand vibrates vigorously.
Your Higher Self is the most divine version of you, and it has access to all the wisdom you need. There is no time for your HS. However, to communicate with your HS, you need to clear the connection and remove all the wrong beliefs, because sometimes, the voice you hear is not your Higher Self.