Custom Digtal Mandala

I bought a Customized Mandala from Maitreya, that works amazing.
Just before i got it sent, i lost my job. But i already got 2 new ones, and a lot of things a lot of things in my life just seems to go smoother.
I can highly recommend it.
When i talked to Maitreya, she said that i should should that one for a while.
Does anyone know how long i should use it alone?

I really like the Mandalas help, and i got this fatique, that makes sleep a lot even during daytime. my energy levels are so low, my Accupuncturist said i have low Chi.
I got it before i bought it, and didnt adress the problem.

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You can use this for low energy:

You can use the custom field for many months or longer. It is not unusual to feel tired when using fields, so have a rest as much as you can. If this is a prior condition you can still get help from your custom field to raise your energy as it works on your general wellbeing always.

How long has it been since you started using the custom field?

Hello Maitreya!
I’ve had it for a month, things have opened up.
Mostly luck and timing, but life goes a little easier, one might say.
And I don’t clash with people much, is that a shield included in the mandala?
I can say that buying a Customized Mandala will solve a lot of problems for people.