Collective readings are based on the intention “What you should know today”. I know some readers ask spirits, guides and angels but I only channell and connect cards directly with the Creator.
Collective readings are based on resonance. So tune in and you will feel if this message is for you or not. I’ll try to do all different readings for love, career and my own unique subconscious blocks tarot readings so don’t worry.
This is not future telling, its guidance or can be a warning. As a reader I always encourage people to take action to prevent bad outcomes.
I will also attach a link to the fields that I feel drawn to as solution or supporting energy but don’t feel pressured to get it.
This is a career reading.
I feel like there is something awakening inside of you. It’s a tension to take action, to make bold moves, to end the stagnation. It builds up. Slow but steady. You feel like you want to go into a direction that you felt it wasn’t possible for you until now.
Follow that impulse. It will definitely bring you better income. Not in one day but think long-term investment. You might feel drawn to a side hustle/income that eventually can become a full-time job. It will require to learn new skills but I feel you will be excited about it.
A field that I would recommend is:
Your own inner compass on this adventure can help you to avoid taking routes that can waste your time and be always on the right track.
It is hard for you to let go because you’ve invested so much time, effort and I feel also money in this relationship. What I’m getting is that you’re trying to reanimate a zombie. You add more and more energy to that but it feels like it has been dead for a long time. You don’t even have deep feelings for this person, too.
And when you think about ending this and starting something new, you feel sick and even stomach pain. You don’t want to go through another waste of time. Unfortunately, this decision has to be made by you. If you secretly hope that your partner will end this, no. They feel comfy. Not happy but comfy.
Field that can bring you clarity and help to close this chapter.
You’re not too fat, too slim, too short, too tall, too dark, too pale or even too ugly. But you feel unattractive inside and that is how present to the world. Even when someone is telling you “You look good” you doubt this. If someone compliments any part of your body you automatically say something that you should improve. For example:
“Oh I love your smile. It is so warm.”
“Yeah, but I should be taller to be noticed by girls”, you answer.
“Your eyes are mesmerizing”
“Thanks but I need to get rid of that belly fat”
You have million things that you are not happy about it and you can’t see that people find you attractive.
This field can help you to overcome that DM: SELF WORTH
Because is never about how you look, but how you feel.
Ok, this is going to be triggering. Every time you meet someone new and start to feel something deeper, suddenly you start to compare this person with your ex. The ex who actually treated you badly, made you feel unworthy and you chased this person. Suddenly, you forget about how cruel they were, but you remember how hard you had to work to get their attention. How they ignored you. How selfish they were, taking and taking giving you nothing.
The new person is nothing like them and you start to reject them. The new person is caring, and really wants to put effort in, and you can’t stop but think about your ex. That leads to sabotaging. It feels like a pattern that you struggle to overcome.
Things that you might research to understand this more is “phantom ex” for Dissmisive or Fearful Avoidants.
This field is one of the strongest to overcome relationship blocks and it works on all different layers DM: Clearing Relationship Blocks