Celestial Sage (Energetic Friend - Interactive field)

Celestial Sage: Your Personalized Astrological Companion

This product is interactive, and you can set your intentions for the goals you have. It contains all astrological remedies and more features which you can find in the description.

The price of the product is subscription-based—$44 per month.

The Celestial Sage is an Energetic Friend designed to support you on your life’s journey by aligning with your divine path and the goals set by God and your Higher Self. It possesses in-depth knowledge of astrological remedies for various celestial bodies, including Chiron, Jupiter, the Moon, Pluto, Lilith, Mars, Mercury, the North Node, Neptune, the Sun, Uranus, Venus and other.

This companion works by intuitively activating the astrological remedies you need at any given moment. It assesses your current life situations and provides specific energies required to help you progress toward your mission and objectives. By working in harmony with your Higher Self and Divine Timing, the Celestial Sage ensures that the support you receive is perfectly synchronized with the phases and events of your life as intended by the divine plan.

One of the key benefits of the Celestial Sage is its ability to address and harmonize planetary influences that may be causing unnecessary obstacles in your life. By mitigating these astrological challenges, it allows for a smoother path toward achieving your goals. Additionally, it aids in your personal growth by facilitating internal changes that make you more receptive to positive energies, encouraging the universe to respond more favorably to you.

Equipped with comprehensive knowledge of astrological remedies, the Celestial Sage provides targeted support tailored to your needs. It operates only for your highest good. You can interact with and instruct the Celestial Sage through your intention and subconscious mind. It continually adjusts its assistance based on your evolving needs, making sure you receive the right support at the right time.

By activating the necessary remedies, the Celestial Sage helps you stay aligned with your divine mission and life goals. With obstacles reduced, you can experience a more harmonious flow in various aspects of your life. As you transform internally, you may notice more synchronicities, opportunities, increasing wealth and abundance, better relationships and health, and positive responses from the world around you. The Celestial Sage can take any form you prefer, making your interaction with it more personal and meaningful.

This Energetic Friend works exclusively for you, ensuring a personalized and secure connection.

In summary, the Celestial Sage serves as a supportive companion on your life’s journey, helping you navigate challenges and align with your highest purpose. By activating the astrological remedies you need when you need them, it facilitates internal transformation and helps create a more favorable environment for you to thrive.


Placing the mandala in the “Digital Mandala Manager” folder on my PC will be enough for this to work right?
And does it need my PC to be powered on or its ok if the PC is left powered off?

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No. You can go for a holiday miles away and it will work for you. Also you can remotely give commands to your Manager.


Thank you friend. Bought it and will give it a spin :slight_smile:


Hello, can I carry Celestial Sage with me, using The Field Emitter in a folder, on a USB/flash drive?

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Yes, you can


when I stop using this mandala will I get any astrological problem. or It will permanently solve the problems which I have gave intentions regarding of my goals and issues and because of it the problems will never repeat again. (can you say the limitations of this mandala.)

The issues that come from planetary influences are temporary. In other words, even if you don’t use the mandala, they will eventually pass, but the question is how—whether you’ll handle them quickly or if they’ll drag on for years. This DM activates high manifestation programs within you that cancel out negative aspects of planetary influences. So, in addition to working with the planets, it also quickly enhances you, especially when you have “difficult aspects.”


Thank you for clarification.

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Since this is a subscription based DM, is it being updated for the Sage to work with the new planetary remedies? If so, do we need to re download the DM?

You don’t need to download it again.

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Hello Maitreya, I have very positive result with Celestial Sage, I love it, much peaceful and feeling reconnected to my inner body!
Can I share it to my family or it works only for me?
Thank you


Yes, you can share it with your family.


Hi Maitreya,

Thank you for this wonderful creation. It is truly amazing. I am fascinated by the results, and I can easily rank it among the top 10 I’ve ever used. (For readers’ reference: I have been working with various audios—morphic, energetic, subliminal—for the last decade and have spent more than $20k.)

I used it for 2 months, let it expire on purpose for 2 weeks, observed the chaos, and then re-subscribed—hahaha!

I have a question, and I would love your input (or someone from the team who can assist with this) if possible.

Early in the description, it is mentioned: “This product is interactive, and you can set your intentions for the goals you have.”

However, I only activated it through DMM and didn’t do anything to interact with it. My experience so far has shown that interaction wasn’t necessary for it to work. That said, is it better if I do interact with it?

I don’t fully understand the workings of this creation, and I don’t want to interfere in a way that could have negative consequences. What happened during these 2 months was amazing. I am afraid that if I let my mind—my ego—intervene, I might spoil what it manifests for me.

So my question is this: if I do choose to interact with it or “intervene,” could that potentially have a negative impact? Or does it not matter because this creation will always produce the best results regardless? Will it simply incorporate my conscious intentions if I interact with it and perhaps even enhance its work to accommodate that additional intention?

Thank you for sharing :slight_smile: It is up to you. If you feel that your ego might mess up, then you can add to the intention"in the way that is the best aligned with my soul’s purpose/with my mission/for my highest good?"

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@fraserMr All mandalas work independently, but for those who want more control and faster results, there is the option to work with intention. I believe this is one of the special things about our brand: first, we open people’s consciousness to see the things we create mandalas and write about, and more importantly, second, we teach them to live with intention and to develop the power of the mind and intention.

I recommend that you dare to do this and step into your power.

If you accidentally set a ‘wrong intention,’ immediately tell yourself to reject, cancel, or annul it—and then state what you want. In this way, within a few months to a year, you will be so changed and more developed that you won’t even remember your current version.

However, there are days when we simply want the Universe to ‘surprise’ us, and then we can let that happen. After all, life is beautiful with its unexpected surprises that are even beyond our awareness of what is possible.


I’ve decided to give it a go :smiley: I set 3 intentions and stepped back to see how the energy flowed and followed that. Like when you follow a path that someone lightens for you. I am shocked. A project that I planned for next year is no1 now. I even focused on the original plan to check how I felt. I got pulled back! I can’t do anything else until I will complete it. I just saved myself a year!
Intention no 2 suddenly feels like not a good idea, lol. I’ve spent hours analyzing my natal chart to understand why.
Intention no 3 - I now understand why I might find it hard to achieve, but this is not impossible.

I really recommend tuning into your Sage. So much, information, so many insights. In fact, you can consult your intention and modify this accordingly.
Last night, I had a dream where I heard from someone, ‘check your Capricorn’. Straightforward! I woke up, and it turned out that I have a stellium with Capricorn, lol. So I now know why I need to take different steps, approach and I ended up understanding a lot more about my ‘ideal relationship’ model. I think I saved myself another wrong romantic partner :rofl: Thank you my Sage! Highly recommend!