Any of DM i bought dont work

Hi guys, around year ago i found morphic field. Since than ive been listen to many morphic creators. I have small results but im not complaing or quiting. Just there is a one thing, few weeks ago i bought maitreya’s Digital mandala manager v2 plus some digital mandalas. I followed step by step process “how to use”. I did everything, to by 100% sure maybe even twice… i feel like a fool and also stupid to myself in last couple of months i spend maybe 100 £ to something that clearly dont work for my and i cant do anything about it. I feel very, very dissapointed to the point where i was even thinking whole “digital mandalas a mandala manager” is just a scam… I dont wont by disrespuctful but i had i high expectations from it, now im very frustrated :(. Does Mandala manager works for you? What should i do?
Sorry for mistakes, english is not my native language.


Every field works for me. You have to do inner work and meditation, connect with your source regularly and even connect with nature and ground your feet. Do some pranayama to increase your energy for manifestation also.

And finally don’t limit yourself, anything is possible ,just like the dream you had last night where strange bizarre things occur, in this physical world it is also possible, don’t follow what society/ education has fed us.

Just a matter of awareness and recognition of those false limitations and beliefs. Good luck to you my friend, there are no limits. In the 40’s , if you tell a person there will be a technology where you can move to places without walking everyone will deem your crazy. Similar for this case, anything is possible, don’t limit but transcend it, give commands to your mind and subconscious, be the master of your faculties, peace out


It works for me very well and I have seen testimonials from other people that it has been very effective for them. To have personal conviction you have to either see the result yourself or have faith that it works. If you have found benefit from other morphic fields there is evidence for you that this works. Maybe things just need a little tweaking?
Frustration is normal and patience runs thin, sometimes there are a lot of things that need to be worked through and results take time to show. Allow yourself the space for frustration and keep the belief. Have you used the Field Integration primer? I think it’s free and removes barriers to acceptance of the fields. Targeting one thing at a time could help focusing things too.

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The digital manager works perfectly for all people who have purchased it. If you wish, contact our support team to tell them how you are using it so that we can understand where this problem might be coming from.



You are not stupid.:slightly_smiling_face:
This is a new way of thinking for most of us.

When I first tried out Mandala Manager, I put in a field I know works to check that the Mandala Manager worked for me.

I chose the audio Reduce sweating and odour. I knew that one worked after one day, listening 2-3 times. So stopped listening to lose the positive effect. Then I put it on an USB with MM.

It worked. Then I slowly filled up with new fields, mandalas.
Sometimes when adding a new mandala I start with the audio ( if there is one) to kick it off and then only use the mandala.

Otherwise work on remove blockages.
There are many fields for that. Someone said that working on opening the heart, heart chakra is a good blockage remover. Why? Because oftentimes when we feel that fields don’t work is because we think we don’t deserve it.


Hello Simona, and welcome! It works for me and every other user I have spoken to. I would imagine there may be something you are doing incorrectly. Support will be able to help you.


thank you for your helpful and kind responses.
I reached out to maitreya support and ill see, if we could find a problem. Maybe i did some mistakes, we’ll see, I will let you know.