About the model of the forum

So I feel like I need to discuss about this.

Social media and the devices to foster social media was given to us by our enemy.

The problem isn’t just algorithms of social media that profile your behavior, but also the operating method of social media itself is the poison. I’m talking about the like system.

The like system is when you can like somebody’s comment or post, or on the other hand you can not like somebody’s post. Why is this bad?

When you can either like or not like somebody’s interaction, it puts us in the mindset of that people either like you or not like you which is an infantile way of seeing other people, it creates negative feelings for example if somebody doesn’t like your interaction.

This is the reason why I avoid using the like system by not liking comments but to my demise, by engaging in this forum I’m automatically indulging in this toxic like system by not liking people’s interactions hence maybe making somebody feel less than.

The existence of the like system automatically creates this negativity. Forums for example don’t usually have this like system and the ones I’ve used that don’t have this, I don’t feel negative emotions as I do when I’m engaging with this forum that incorporates the like system.

The feedback itself is to say that in future update, the like system could be removed and it would create more healthier atmosphere.

For reference material there is this video where Sam Vaknin talks about this. There is other part to the interview and don’t remember if it is in this part I linked where he talks about the toxicity of the like system.

I think the platform is designed in such a way that there is no option to remove core features like the like button.

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I’ve been thinking the same thing. When I scroll on social media I feel obliged to like posts. But recently I’ve been doing less of that, pausing before I feel like doing that. It makes me feel better because I can neutrally observe posts, rather than shifting into an agree or disagree mode, which is basically what the like or love button is on most social media platforms.

This is an interesting topic to explore yourself - why do you feel obliged to respond? And what if you don’t respond? Do you have to have an opinion, like, dislike, or reaction to everything in the world?


Social media is designed to induce narcissism in people, to make people feel like they are so special that the whole world needs to know if they liked something or what they ate for breakfast.

Sometimes it seems to me that people without NPD(narcissistic personality disorder) are more narcissistic than narcissists themselves. Atleast the narcissist does what they do and are the way they are out of necessity so there’s a form of authenticity there but normal people just indulge in narcissistic behavior nowadays because of social media.

Depending on what content you follow, it’s a double-sided sword. It can also be used for good. It can motivate, support, and teach.
The wisdom that some coaches shared for free helped me a lot in my self-development. Sometimes, it was exactly what I needed to hear or see. Social media is just a tool. If people want to have their brainwashed, they will have it. If you want to grow and evolve, you can find it, too. I don’t follow influencers who don’t create valuable content. I also keep field to cut energetic cords all the time to make sure social media won’t affect me.