Permanent integrator does make it permanent, but it doesnt mean your subconscious accepted it.
Maitreyas ones work WITH the subconscious, so it still requires acceptance. Similary other creators might have stuff that co-operate with the subconscious rather than give orders like Sapiens or Spirituality Zone.
Subliminal affirmations arent for debate cuz fok affirmations.
Her androgen receptor one I made permanent, but my subc resisted it.
I made spirituality zones androgen one permanent, and it worked.
His energy is similar to Sapiens where it doesnt need subconscious permission, it simply forces its way in.
For example the Pietersite one from Dream seeds should theoretically make me resist the hardest, because of childhood issues with entities.
But nope, used permanent results and Pietersite and it kept on working.
On that note, @Maitreya ,
I think you should integrate the part of Quantum booster in every field you release, to bypass any subconscious resistance and just command the changes in.