Which fields can I use to help with self improvement and getting a job?

I resigned last month from my software development job because our team was working overtime for a long time and it started to affect my mental health.

Which fields can I use to help me get a job? I’m looking for not just job/skill related fields, but personal development as well (which helps in getting a job)

Right now the only things I can think of are:

  • Become the Best Version of Yourself
  • Attract Best Job - Future Self Timeline
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I think higher self path activation and the higher self wealth activation would both be great fields to get for this purpose

@hermes Great suggestions. Quite often, our HS has a different plan for your career, wanting to be aligned with your soul’s purpose.

are there cheaper alternatives? :sweat_smile:
but thank you for the suggestions, might consider this if there’s nothing else

You can use Attract the Best Job and ask your Higher Self to help you with that. Even playing audio 2-3 times helps if you can’t use the mandala.

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