Unification of the chakras

What is your opinion on the matter? Is there anyone here who has already done the process? I seriously think about doing this, I feel stagnant in relation to spirituality, I don’t get anything I want, the audios only work to cure simple illnesses or small problems, to be a little more lucky, but nothing more than that, I’ve been in this for years, I’ve tried all the methods that are supposed to make you progress, and there’s no use, the only thing left to try is unification of the chakras, maybe it’s not good, but in this situation, what can get worse?


Hi DarkMatter,
this is a topic that I’ve come across several times now. I’m not so sure whether it’s good or not. But it looks like it is necessary or happens if you want to ascend into higher dimensions. As I have read, so far the 7 main chakras have only been used to function in the 3rd dimension. However, according to channeled material from the Pleiades, we are said to be in the 5th dimension by now.
At Programmed_Intention you will find 2 or 3 fields that address the topic. At least he can certainly give you information there, after all, he has made a few fields for it. In Sapiens forum there is a big thread about this creator that only recently made me aware of him.
So for myself I haven’t made a decision yet, I would have a few more questions answered .


we are DEF not in 5D! In 5D Manifestation is pretty much instant. We would all be dead if that was the case :stuck_out_tongue: Just my thoughts.

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Hello TBD,
I don’t know if you are right or not, but I want to have a few counter-arguments that it might still be the case. What I do not want outstanding is that it is just wishful thinking from me.

Most channel authors write in their books that the earth has already ascended is already in the 5th dimension. Believe it or not. As some think that it is something like Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians and the other extraterrestrial races are just pipe dreams of these so-called channels.
In one of these books I read that most of them are currently on an intermediate level, a kind of hologram that simulates the old earth. Because most of them would still be overwhelmed with the 5th dimension. The spiritual world did not want to give up these souls directly. Kind of like a preschool or kindergarten.

Another point that has definitely changed, especially since 2012, is that my reality can change very quickly and you have to pay attention to what you think. When I think of the 70s and 80s you could have your head full of rubbish and hardly anything happened, at least it took a long time until something happened.

Something like morphogenetic fields would hardly have been possible. Especially not as fast as it is today. Let alone any positive results
One has meditated for decades in order to even have the chance to become enlightened. Today anyone who really wants can achieve it without having to work on it for several incarnations. Yes, maybe we will still be in kindergarten until we switch to the 5th dimension without harming ourselves. But it’s tangible.

Now, as far as the reality of the present is concerned, is it really as bad as the news keeps leading us to believe? Or just someone who just wants to keep us in fear and panic so that we don’t make the last step out of this illusion or matrix. :sweat_smile:


To be honest I tried to unify the chakas in 2018, but I gave up, but my chakras got weird after that, I feel my 3 eye in the nose instead of the eyebrow, I don’t know if there’s any way to get back to normal

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Hi DarkMatter,
at the moment I don’t really know what to say about it. I have a number of questions about it myself.
Which method did you use in your attempt? Subliminals or a field and by whom? Then I would take a look at what kind of feeling I get. I am often lucky enough to find information that is helpful to others.


It was a subliminal, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFpXgsCo2QY

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@DarkMatter , for how many weeks did you use it, and how many times per day ?! to reverse the results you may perhaps make a special request for a field that reverses the unification of the chakras,. I have already seen products that reverse effects, but I think they reverse all the effects we had, even the good results obtained with other products

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I think that only 1 week, several hours a day, it was still a short time, however even so the results became permanent, I will see if I can get a special request.

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why do you want to stop the unification of the chakras, it is said that this can bring a lot to the evolution of a person and to his own overcoming. will you try again another time, or will you never want to unify your chakras again ?! feel free not to explain to yourself if you mind talking about it.

Personally I would like to do it, but the fields are made taking into account the current chakra system, so I don’t know if I could still continue to use the 3 treasures for example, or the third eye chakras, etc etc

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I am undecided to be honest, I know that many people say it is good, but even if it is, there is a lot of knowledge about it, what to do after unifying the chakras? How to clean up evolve them and etc, and as you said various techniques can become unusable after that, I am afraid of ending up in a dead end, or of not being able to continue evolving.

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So I looked at the channel and read the description. What I noticed is that chakra removal is spoken of. Actually, they should not be removed, but rather merged with the heart charka to form a unified and expanded chakra. However, I dare to doubt whether this can be achieved with Subliminals. Before I found Sapien Medicine, I also listened to subliminals for many hours, a few minor successes could be achieved but not really anything amazing. Especially when you look at the promises made by subliminal makers.
It is hard to say whether this has really confused your chakras. When I asked with my pendulum whether it would be helpful for me, a clear no came. I have a better feeling about what Programmed_Intention offers. But I haven’t had the time to take a closer look at what else is being said on this subject.
I don’t even get around by writing so many posts :wink:


Thanks for review

I will definitely keep an eye on the topic and report if I can find out more about it.


I decided to continue the chakra unification.

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Why ?!

Because I need to change, and nothing works, I can’t change or improve what I need, nor heal myself, that way nothing will change, I’ve exhausted all the tools that exist practically, and nothing seems to solve my situation, not trying something new will only prolong this situation, I don’t know if it is the best option, but I know that the way I am, I will not reach my goals.

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study the subject well, contact the right people, work with the right methods and the right tools. Keep us updated from time to time about your experiences with chakra unification.


of course.


I have been using PI’s core essence for over 2 weeks now. I am not certain of the status yet since I have now dowsed but I can tell you I feel more open and spiritually lighter in a sense. I actually know 2 others that used a physical technique to remove the chakras and they seemed to level up pretty nicely after they did it. Keep in mind you can always put them back if you feel the need. It is all intent.