So much more about the United Chakras. One of the first to mention a unified chakra, is author Tony Stubbs in his book, “Ascension Handbook: Channeled Material from Serapis. Serapis Bey who is one of the ascended masters.
Even a few years earlier Tashira Tachi-ren channeled it from Archangel Ariel in the book “What is Lightbody” which was already announced in the early 1990s. So by no means anything new.
And already at that time it was said that the process is necessary to ascend into higher dimensions. Most of the time, this process is accomplished through guided meditation at this time. Today we have completely different options with the fields and subliminals.
And a word about the traditionists. What all the other masters and gurus from bygone times said as well as the old chakra system was intended for a life in the third dimension. Certainly it was possible to achieve an ascent into higher dimensions with this system but at a price that is nowadays can hardly be done.
But this is no longer necessary - the vibrations are so much higher today than they were 50 years ago. And I would say again that the earth has already ascended into the fifth dimension. And we are all currently in a kind of kindergarten that finally takes us into the 5th dimension - for some in this life for others only with the next incarnation.
And for me said I’ll try to achieve this goal for myself. Especially since the field of PI Multidimensional Shield addresses exactly this energetically and I have not had any negative experiences with the audio and mandala so far. In addition, I will add PI’s “Unified Field” which also has another aspect of the same goal. Let’s see what happens.
For me also, when I asked about going through the unification process, I was told that I am not yet ready for it and trying it now would not be good for me. I got told I still needed a couple years before I’d be ready.
I could feel mine moving as I played the audio. I think it took me a few hours to finally get back to center. Once the process was done, I just felt different, like I was no longer trying to compensate to keep my balance, but energetically instead of physically.
Afterwards, I just felt more stable, balanced, even. I didn’t get emotionally riled up as easily, didn’t get upset as readily. Everything about who I am from a personality perspective just got a little better. It was a subtle change, but I was paying attention so I definitely noticed. Soon, it quickly became my new normal and now the way I used to be just feels foreign.
I have been doing the unification since I talked about it last time, honestly I can’t say that anything has changed, I feel that my 3 eye goes down more and more to the heart, but no change beyond that, nothing but different dreams.
For audios in general I guess so, but for chakra audios I don’t know exactly. But normally, when we have made the unification of the chakras, o we no longer need to maintain them, everything is done naturally and automatically, develop and self-regulate by themselves, so no need to work on them. At least that’s what I thought I understood, but I do not know what is true and do not have it.
I still do the unification, but frankly, after certain points I don’t feel any more results, my 3 eye parked where it is and is moving very slowly, if it continues the way it is even after the end of the year I won’t have finished, maybe it would be better to hire a trusted professional to do the unification.
In theory it can be, but in practice it doesn’t seem to be, several people have done it and they don’t seem to have lost their emotions or become vegetable.
I used this for 1-2 weeks too. I think chakra removal or unification is not good. And although most people say that removal or unification is not possible, I think it is possible. After listening to things like chakra unification and removal and concordia booster (which includes chakra unification affirmation), I remember having turned into an overly emotionless person for a while. I didn’t care about anything, my heart was hardened, I didn’t feel alive. as if I was a living dead. Then there were problems with the endocrine system, but it was not in the size of a disease. and then when I listened to fields, subliminals and frequencies, I had an overload situation. my blood pressure increased when I listened to energetic things (still couldn’t fix it) I listened a lot to normalize my chakra I don’t know if it became normal. but listening to such things definitely hurts the chakras. According to sapien in the sapien forum, the chakras are necessary and if they are unified or removed, the necessary energy will not flow into the organs and we will be sick. chakras are things created to support the functioning of the organs in that area. If they are not there, there is no energy going to those organs. I think dealing with the structure of the chakras is an extremely risky thing.