The Moon

I am not very knowledgable about astrololgy etc. So i wanted to ask you guys here.

I just saw the moon and one bright star next to it move in union out of eyesight( the moon is gone now and the star still visible)

Since when do stars move :sweat_smile:

I then tried to take a picture of the moon with the star and my camera kinda took a photo of 2 moons.

Does anyone know if this has deeper meaning? The moon disappeared really fast. Like 1 hour and it was gone.

The one on the bottom is the moon, above it the star. The moon is supposed to be in its „young“ phase.

Would be cool to get some info :slight_smile:


It will have the meaning you put into it.

For example )

The swastika was originally an ancient symbol used in various cultures, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Slavic traditions, where it represented prosperity, the sun, and harmony. In the 20th century, the Nazis appropriated this symbol, turning it into a representation of evil, war, and genocide in the public consciousness. Today, in most Western countries, the swastika is associated with fascism, although in Asia and some other regions, it is still used in its original, positive meaning.

Don’t forget about your divine nature and ability to create events with your perception, because how we perceive something is how we create it.

Personally, I think that you will now have twice as much money, happiness, love and freedom… And what do you think about this?

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Wow, did not expect that kind of answer :sweat_smile: you are a bit advanced in terms of spirituality.

But still thank you for the answer💪🏽

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We are all born with divine potential, but we just forget about it.

Each of us creates our life through perception, but usually unconsciously and often in a negative way.

I simply remind people that they can do it consciously and in a positive way.

When you realize your true power, many things stop affecting you because you start creating your own reality.