So, it has been years since this part of the kitchen in my house emanates strange vibrations, whenever I stay there for a few minutes I feel sick on my forehead, what can that be? I have tried all the room cleaning audios and they do not solve it.
How about the energytransformer mandalas for 24/7? (put around 10 15 of them everywhere)
Try it also with: send it to the light (another mandala from her)
Also check for any pipes or devices that might vibrate or resonate at a weird frequency. I’ve read interesting accounts of people getting a weird feeling from a particular part of a house, even seeing strange shapes out of the corner of their eye, and it turns out it’s a particular frequency being produced by a radiator, air-conditioning unit, fridge motor, or water pipes
Edit: If it has a particularly low vibration (as in lower than 20Hz) it can create a fear response or cause anxiety, as natural disasters normally have a super low vibration that animals can pick up on, so it’s built into our physiology to detect those lower hertz vibrations and it can cause stress or weird negative effects
If you think it might be this, or even if you’re not sure, I highly recommend playing the pure Solfeggio tone of 417 hz in that area and see how you feel. It’s great at clearing out lower vibrations. You can use it in conjunction with the environmental mandalas.
Here is a site where you can download the pure Solfeggio Frequencies for free: Free Solfeggio tones - Attuned Vibrations
You may get the drain pipe of the sink system checked/cleaned (use some flushing agents). Also get the drain holes examined for any damaged /leakage parts, get them fixed.
Do you have habit of leaving used utensils overnight in sink, if so avoid it. Keep the area clutter free so as to clear out any low vibs…
Hope it may help.
if you have tried cleaning audios and it does not solve the problem, it could be that there is an electromagnetic field near that point in the kitchen, my advice is to call an electrician and have him check the electrical installation in case there is an appliance near that point that is faulty and is causing the problem.
I appreciate the suggestions, I will try some of them, but I believe that it has already been resolved.
I’ve send some servitors to clean your area.
Very Interesting.