This field has been created for very introverted people, people experiencing difficulties with their social skills or even those who just want to improve their communication with others. The field is designed to release subconscious blockages that lead to social anxiety, overthinking, and feelings of embarrassment. It includes energetic knowledge of smooth and easy communication. The field will teach you how to be able to hear yourself and the other, to understand and recognize the meaning and the goal of the conversation, and will give you the social skills needed to communicate correctly. In time, with daily use, your ability to communicate will improve greatly.
The field is enough to help people to have perfect social skills with everything that is needed from the vocal ability to the emotions related to this skill.
Been using this product more on than off ever since release.
It has given me the confidence, understanding and ability to communicate, assert myself and exhange ideas much much more effectively. Still using it and it’s like a mental teacher and companion in the arts of socializing.
Don’t let the price tag fool you, this one in my opinion is such a powerhouse.
Last thing to say as usual, thank you so much Maitreya team!