So.... ive got in your favour... but

Basically… almost nothing is going in my favour lol…
Im not blaming the field at all, or its potential… my situation is bad in the material world and it takes fields time to do their thing…
im in the middle of a divorce, im over a barrel… my wife doesn’t have to leave the house… shes choosing to stay, i owe half the bills and mortgage… im bound by law… i cant buy a place otherwise ill have to give her the house likely in a divorce settlement…
i dont have a solid place to live otherwise i’ll be forking out almost 5k a month in bills… therefore im less likely to show i can provide a stable home for my daughter…

so of course, ill do it… ill pay out £5000 a month if i have to… but have i just got to have faith it will start turning soon enough??

im not doubting it as such, but the 3d world is showing me the opposite so far, despite any work with oinera… golden timeline of wealth etc

i have faith… but when youre 42 like me, without a pension as the house was meant to be part of that… its a bit concerning… im on good money yes, i get £6000 a month FOR NOW… ive had 3 payrises, things are going great, but in reality, payrises are leaving me with little spare income when you factor in legal costs and the inconvenience/stress of staying at your parents house in a single bedroom lol

its hard to stay in the mindset im needing to be in to manifest/change this momentum and allow the audios to do their thing

most of the time im not stressed, im ok… but you need to be better than OK i find, to assist these audio to do what they can.

Thanks for reading friends

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I’m sorry for what you’re going trough! Wish you all the best and that it turns out for the highest good of all soon!!

Eventually you can ask the creator via divine invocation(it’salso on yt), if you know what you truly need to ask for! It helped me with my suicidal ideations more than once and I’mfree of that shit since months, it’s strong :slight_smile:
you will succed man, don’t give up!


Thankyou Dodo… ill look into it…


can I ask how you asked?


I lay on the couch and begged,begged and begged.

" Please creator, please, please, please free me from everything that is the cause for my pain and will to die. I don’t want to live anymore, but I know this is shit.Please free me from that pain, that causes my will to die. Thank you"

After that, repeating a few times, I turned on the side and tried to sleep. slept half an hour or so and after that woke up with a sense of serenity and I was truly a pain in the ass. It helped me so much.

After this first expierence I was bit bit more relaxed when using this field and learned I need to accept my pain, struggle to overcome it later. It did not helped with everything, but much.
With what I believe to know today, I would just intend or say trustful

" dear creator of all that is, I connect with you and request help or healing for xy. It’s done, it’s done, it’s done.Because this is my free will and my will happens. Thank you.

Today I would use this phrase, but use what sounds right for you.


Thankyou friend… i will give this a go…

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You’re welcome. Have a good outcome!

It happened to me many times before. I never went through a divorce, but I had many moments in my life when I thought that my life was completely falling apart.
There is a card in Tarot called The Tower that represents destruction and chaos. It is ruled by Mars (that also affects marriages when energy is negative). People often see destruction as something bad because it is unpleasant and difficult, while sometimes you need to go through it to rise from the ashes like Phoenix.
Pheonix is not a symbol of death but rebirth.

This is great companion during challenging times. From Pain to Power [DM + Audio]

In order to enter the reality of your dreams, sometimes you need to completely destroy your personality, because who are you now is not energetic match for that reality.
I am a serial killer of my identity.

