
Could you make an automated ninjutsu mastery or simply master all martial arts?

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Have you looked into Master Jedi?

I wouldn’t say that. The Samurai gives you the want for learning/practicing martial arts. He wants a knowledge like field that will teach him.

Master Jedi is indeed a better option,

Use this field DM: Speed Learning / Reading to download the knowledge from all the top Masters. Can be historical even.


I thought that DM was limited to your own teachers or at least someone teaching a course on video. Did that change?

There is a response by Maitreya that indicates that we can do so. It’s a reply to the following post: DM: Speed Learning / Reading - #30 by laimanman

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Thank you! Time to use that field again lol

To become a master in martial arts, you need to contribute to spreading knowledge, so they are teachers. When you download knowledge from people who are no longer with us, you don’t know if they earned money, ran schools, or just spread knowledge freely, but they have the authority.

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