Reducing the Probability of Medical Errors
Once, I went to the dentist. As soon as the anesthetic was administered, I immediately sensed that something wasn’t right, but the doctor insisted that everything was as it should be and gave me the full dose. A few minutes later, half of my face was swollen, and I was experiencing severe pain and numbness in some areas. This lasted for about a month, during which I could barely speak, and eating was a real struggle. Medicine is a complex field, full of many interconnected elements within the science itself, combined with the experience, knowledge, and intuition of doctors, as well as their ability to make the right decisions—to truly serve their patients, rather than accidentally harm them.
This energetically programmed field is created to send unconditional love and positive feelings to the specialists you visit, making you likable to them—so they feel inspired to help you and bring out their very best. The field will encourage the right and most suitable decisions for your benefit, ensuring that everything proceeds smoothly and without complications.
Additionally, this field is designed so that, even astrologically, you will subconsciously choose the right day and the right doctor to help you with your needs.
The mandala contains Divine energy, which will guide both you and the specialists, as well as support faster regeneration.