Question about others coming into contact with my DM

Let’s say I buy a Mandala and since I don’t have a printer on my I go to my nearby shop to print my Mandala. The guy who prints it asks me what is it for just casually and I reply “I like this art” or some other excuse :
1 . The guy for some reason finds it cool as well and decides to keep a copy of this image and not delete it and sets it as his wallpaper in his PC. My Question is, will this make my purchased mandala null/void and trigger some anti piracy energy indirectly or will it continue working for me the same way it was and it’s just void for the ones who did not purchase it?
2. Also can I make multiple copies of the digital image by changing and renaming the file, or is it strictly forbidden to rename the file as it might change the energy? I’m asking purely because I might rename it to something like “trippy art” rather than the exact intent which is the file name. Is that okay?

These are the 2 questions I have. I know these are very odd indeed but I’ve got this thing stuck in my mind about the anti-piracy and illegal stuff rules from other creators that now I’m slightly concerned about people bumping into them accidently. These 2 answers will resolve those doubts and provide me a sense of relief.

  1. If some other than your only family members and closed ones come into contact with them, it might lose the fields effectiveness. Try not to get others to see it for a very long period of time or they might activate it/ I think that’s what happened with me with the air conditioner field, when I put it in my living room with family, they used to stare at it from time to time and question me about what it was etc. I just told them its a pic that I’d like to hang in here but yeah it didnt work there. Then I hung it in my own room without anyone knowing and it worked great. So yeah I suggest printing it yourself, since I do the same all the time now.

  2. Why do you want to change the file name? Keep it as it is since changing the file name might result in making it lose its effect as well because its the whole package field with file name extension etc. I remember reading even changing the file extension from jpeg to lets say png will make it void so I guess will filename render it useless. I’m not sure but I’ve never changed it. Also instead of making multiple copies by copy pasting, I suggest you download it from the original source / mail everytime instead as copying might split its enerhu and half its power maybe.

If the file name is changed, the dm loses its effects?

You can change the file name, it won’t affect the field. However unless someone is looking into your stuff and bothering you or endangering you for what you use, may be its better to keep the name as it is easy to forget what image is what field.

The protection on the fields detects malicious intent, intent to defraud and deliberately do something wrong. If someone in the print shop get this, without knowing what it is, firstly it won;t work for them because it is bloodline protected and secondly, they did not have a bad intent, so that won’t reflect on you or them for that matter.


Okay, got it.

If I print out the dms, and I carry around in my pockets, would my family and friends get affected by it? Also, is it okay to put the dms in a pouch? I find it hard to carry it with me when I’m taking a bath or going to a restroom in a country far from home and I find putting in the pocket, something can drop out.

People will not get affected by them as generally they are programmed to have an effect at a maximum 30 cm/1 foot distance. Yes you can put them in a pouch or anything you like.

So even if the person is sitting next to me, they won’t be affected? What if they sit next to me constantly? Will the then get affected?

So if I put the dm in a pouch and keep it with me, it’ll still affect me? The pouch itself doesn’t get in the way of it affecting me?

The pouch is not going to affect the mandalas.

A person sitting close to you is not going to be affected for the main reason that the mandalas are protected to not have an effect on someone who has not bought them from the Maitreya stores.

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So when a person buys themselves the dms from the store, the dms only affect them because they’re the ones they bought it?

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What if the DM tattooed me? Does it work?

I had planned to save the DMs in the cell phone case, does it work like that too? Like the cell phone we carry it with us 24/7

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Tattoo is permanent; I wouldn’t do it. You can use Mandalas Manager V2, same effect like you carry one with you 24/7


I once charged a field in a tattoo on a person, who, as a result, had their third eye opened and began to see quite interesting things. So, we have feedback that tattoos work very well.

However, I do not recommend piercing the skin unless one has a very strong desire for it. At some point, it becomes an addiction.

Mandalas are designed to work 24/7 by themselves, and there will not be a stronger effect if it is made on a person’s skin.


@Maitreya I want to start reprogramming myself, that is, start being more susceptible to all this energetic material. I think that can also help one get the desired results much faster, so where do you recommend I start? Which DM or Campos should I listen to?

Sorry, I couldn’t find which conversation to post this question in.

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Use boosters

One of my first fields, amazing how it works instantly: Subconsciousness Reprogrammer
My best “field friend” thread about this will give you more ideas
Subconsciousness Reprogrammer


Should one take a break from the quantum booster once a while or is it okay to have it with the memory card 24/7 from here onwards?

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I have been using QBooster for years now. It helps other fields to integrate with you and your aura can grow bigger.

Good to know! :+1: